View Full Version : I'm home...

07-22-2008, 05:20 PM
... and boy is Jack happy!!! :blush: :happy: She was chirping and trying to get out of the cage to me. I took her out and she just rolled all over in my hand getting kisses on the tummy, bobbing her beak between my fingers like a baby eating, making kissy noises and almost mewing.
Chino, though, :cry: flew straight to Greg when I took him out. Everytime I took him back, he would only look to Greg!
I got them home last night after 3 1/2 weeks. I had Chino out this morning for about an hour and he's getting to be more like his old self. I sure hope he goes back to being MY baby again. :rolleyes:
I am glad to be back where I can breathe again. I was near the desert, and it was over 100* every day. I think it's about 72* here right now. YAY!

07-22-2008, 05:25 PM
Welcome home, and I am glad you are enjoying this beautifully cool Oregon day (it is 64 in Portland!) --I know I am. (It can stay like this all danged summer!) I am sure Chino will come around soon! But boy, what a nice greeting from Jack!

07-22-2008, 07:13 PM
Welcome back! I'm sure Chino will be right back to his regular old self in no time at all. Just missed his mommy and wants her to know it by giving her a little snub! :D