View Full Version : Paulie

07-24-2008, 03:49 AM
Last night i watched "Paulie", film about a talking parrot seperated from his original owner and had a hard life getting back to her.

The film is fantastic, with some really nice heartwarming moments, but i found it soo sad that im all depressed now :(

Anyone else remember it?

07-24-2008, 04:55 AM
How well I remember "Paulie," the movie about the lost Blue Crown Conure. My biggest fear when the movie came out would be a lot of people wanting/buying BC Conures because Paulie came across very well in the film. Conures tend to be noisy and that didn't come through in the film!!!!!

07-24-2008, 04:59 AM
Yeh i saw some comments on review sites saying the same thing. I just felt so sad about him being locked in the basment for 10 years and realizing that so many other birds are kept in the same conditions by undeserving bird owners :(

07-24-2008, 05:31 AM
I remember that movie!

Linda, I feel the same way. Whenever a movie comes out with a specific animal, people go crazy for them.

My neighbor has a yellow naped amazon with an AMAZING vocabulary (I know this because he talks all day and I can hear him, LOL). It makes me so sad that they don't spend time with him. I don't think he ever comes out of his cage. His cage is on their screen porch (they do have a heater out there in the winter, but I could never do that with my bird!) and she complains that he is always biting when she feeds him. Poor guy. She finally said last month that she was "rehoming" him.

07-24-2008, 05:51 AM
Thats the problem, people tend to think that birds can be bucketed with mice, rabbits cats and dogs. Well mice are not as intelegent and cats and dogs ususally have free run to come to you when they want attention. Birds are locked in a 2x1 prison all day with an intelegence of a 2 year old, its no wonder they start to display problematic behaviour.

We rescued a amazon a few months back.. sat in the back of his cage scared at the slightest movement.. just seeds and 4 inch high piles of poo for company. We rehomed him with some parrot lovers with anther amazon as a mate and now hes comming out the cage, taking fruit from hands and generally just a well adjusted parrot loving life.

Makes me wonder if there should be a means testing before allowing ppl to own pets sometimes.

07-24-2008, 04:39 PM
did i read right kristina your going to be getting a yellow naped amazon from your neighbour? :D

07-24-2008, 05:12 PM
Apple and I love that movie and watch it at least once every few months. I bawl like a baby when he is first taken from Marie in the beginning and then reunited later. I didn't have much trouble suspending my disbelief to enjoy the more fantastical elements. And the fact they used animatronic parrots only for certain close ups and real ones the rest of the time was even more amazing. Tony Shalboub as the immigrant Russian professor-turned-janitor is simply wonderful in the role--what a gift he has for accents.

I would love to see an extended edition DVD come out with all sorts of special features for a movie like this, but since it never really took off at the time of its release, I suppose I'm just going to remain wishful.

07-25-2008, 02:41 AM
They used 14 different Conure with different temperments for different scenes. Mostly it was a real bird with a computer animated beak added later.

I bought the DVD today. I know im being soppy but i just wish that the film only had Paulie locked up alone in the basment for a a few years instead of the 10-15 years it suggests. Ive had 2 sleepless nights thinking about the poor guy :(

07-25-2008, 09:35 AM
did i read right kristina your going to be getting a yellow naped amazon from your neighbour? :D

LOL! Nope! I don't think my husband could live with how loud he is! And with him not being hand tame, I think my husband would slip into a depression. LOL. He gets upset when Fenway charges him. :rotfl :( Although he's amazing and I would love a bird like that, it would drive the rest of my family NUTS! He doesn't screech, but is constantly yelling at the dogs in my neighbor's voice.

I'm fairly certain it will be his third or fourth home. And she is selling him, so I can only imagine the price she's cooked up (she's also selling puppies :roll: )

I completely agree about some sort of test. I wish it was like that with all animals. My husband and I had a talk the other night about the neighbor and how her animals are treated. I couldn't imagine just keeping them outside and not interacting with them. Our animals are spoiled rotten and eat better than we do! LOL. My husband makes fun of me and says that he never gets fresh baked bread and homemade Beak Apetit. >o

07-25-2008, 09:56 AM
I ran across that movie a year or two ago on television and couldn't turn it. I'm usually not into movies like that, even with birds, but Paulie was a good flick. It was very sad, but at least it gave us the "happily ever after" fairytale ending:x . I also think it illustrated just how long birds live with him finding his owner a grown woman.

A means test for animals? Let's start with a seriously regimented means test, application process, counseling, life plan, and budget before people can have children. Then we can move onto the pet thing......I hate and despise animal neglect, but how can we expect people to treat animals well when they do such horrid things to their children:confused: :confused: .