View Full Version : Different Types of Taming

07-31-2008, 08:49 AM
Hi All.
I recently just got a new lovebird. Although I have been told two ways of taming them...

The first one I read on the internet..
Is putting your hands in every day quite often to show them that your hands in the cage is not a bad thing. And trying to give them a sunflower seed or millet.
And when they are used to your hands then trying to pat them slowly on the breast... and moving it on from there..

The second is from the bird store where I bought his millets.. not him (i say Him but I'm unsure)
They said you should take them out and hold them against your chest until they calm down. Though I did try this once and OUCH is all I can say... OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH there is a mark now..

I have also read you should sit in a neutral room with the bird. but when i was holding him before he just flys away from me (naturally)

could someone please advise me the best way to tame my baby.
other facts.
he's i think about 11 weeks old. the breeder said he was handreared but once weaned on to seed didnt get handled as much.

07-31-2008, 01:18 PM
Personally, I like a combination of all three. They all have their benefits.

Getting a bird used to your hands in its cage is a good thing in general. The method you described will let birdy know that your hands won't hurt him, and can even provide treats. It will take him a long time to learn, and lots of repetition on your part.

The second method has been recommended here for a long time. We advise taking birds into a bird-proofed small room, like the bathroom. Take him cage and all, and open the cage door. This helps birdy build up a little confidence around you. It will take a long time, and you will need to repeat the exercise over several days before birdy may even take an interest in you -- if he comes out of the cage.

It's good for you to know how to handle your bird, even against his will. If you hold him safely and get some beak pets in (without getting bit yourself), and then return birdy to the cage, he will learn that your hands won't hurt him. Check out the resources for a pic on how to hold a bird safely. When I handle my birds, I like to give them a little drop of water from the tip of my finger. Here's the picture: http://www.lovebirdsplus.com/red.jpg

08-01-2008, 12:54 AM
thank you so much for your advice barbieH.

I will most definately try to hold him like that (as per your picture)... i mistakenly had my thumb near his beak.. oh.. i learnt the hard way.
so if I take him to a neutral room.. what happens if I open the door and he doesn't come out? cause if I even touch the cage he begins to run away and flutter around like a headless chicken.

should I try to let him out in the netural room about 3 times a day?

08-02-2008, 02:51 PM
Bring him into the neutral room whenever it fits into your schedule for you to sit there with him for a longer period of time. It sounds like it will take him some time to get brave enough to venture out. Once that happens, you will need to get him back in the cage, which can also be time consuming.

What do you plan to do when he eventually comes out of the cage? What do you want to achieve, and how can we help you achieve it?

If he doesn't come out, it's not a problem. You might try to give him a little millet just outside of his cage door. But this is all part of confidence building for your bird, so you probably don't expect him to come out right away. :) It will take some time.

Make sure the room has enough lighting for your bird to move confidently. The darker the room, the more likely your bird will stay calmly in the cage.

08-02-2008, 08:31 PM
I want him to become tame and my best friend.. although I do know there is a chance it isnt in his personality..

he does come out of his cage.. though he tries to run away. doesn't bother with me at all. when he comes out though before i get him to put him back in his cage i do hold him and pat give him scratches for abotu an hour, which seems to calm him down significantly.. i can pat him anywhere he doesnt bite. under his beak. on his beak. around his head.. at times he closes his eyes as though he's about to fall asleep.. although if i do stop he does snap out of the trance.

i left his cage open the whole day and he came out three times so I was able to pat him three times. if he sees his cage though he runs straight back in.

at the moment i am waiting for him to discover what millet is. i have left some in his cage but he hasn't touched it at all.