View Full Version : I don't know what happened.

08-03-2008, 11:28 AM
When Eddie and I lived together, he was always a gentleman. When my boyfriend would come over, he would bite him (not too hard) on the ears, lips and cheeks.

Now that Eddie has moved to my boyfriends house ( while mine is being renovated ) he won't even really go to me at all. If my boyfriend is not home, he is the same bird he always was.

Anyone know what happened? I am quite heartbroken.

I am getting his wings clipped again Tuesday, I thought that may help him be more dependant, and less able to do what he wants (also the boyfriend takes over 20 minutes of chasing him to get him to go back in the cage (me no problem) Also, he has gotten out while feeding and a ceiling fan has been on. I miss the trips out to work with him too.

What do you guys think?

08-07-2008, 01:46 PM
no takes on this?

08-07-2008, 02:10 PM
While you moved Eddie temporarily while your house gets renovated, he does not know this. My two cents is that Eddie is trying to develop a relationship with your boyfriend cause he is his current caretaker. It's good you still spend time with Eddie and if he's still friendly with you I suspect he will be more when he moves back home.

Getting his wings clipped ASAP is a good idea with a ceiling fan around. You might also work with Eddie on stepping up on a stick/perch/dowel so your boyfriend will have an easier to time caging him. I don't expect Eddie to stop running once his wings are clipped and it's not good to chase a birdy around.

Hope this helps:)

08-08-2008, 07:48 AM
Thanks LauraO, well I have moved in with the boyfriend while my home is under construction. So..... Eddie sees me more than the BF again. The wing clip worked wonders. He is a little cuddlebug again.

Wonder if Eddie is a "she" and "she" likes a boy better...... we'll see when the results of the DNA test get in.

08-08-2008, 10:51 AM
Oh, the wing clip. A fully flighted birdy can really be out of control. I've found that when I am at a loss in these situations that a wing clip is the best attitude adjustment available. In fact, I just a full clip on my meyer's Cookie. He was acting more out of control and biting than he's ever been before. I finally clipped him and he's sudenly calm and normal:x .

08-08-2008, 01:42 PM
Funny how that works. Although flighted = exercise, I just can't let Eddie get like that. This time he didn't even seem to mope around after. He just probably said ... "well, she finally caught up to me". Oh well, I will have to wait till the next time a few of these buggers grow in."


08-09-2008, 02:21 PM
oh thank you thank you thank for clipping eddie while he's at your bf's house! You can always let him grow his wings out when you move him back home, but a ceiling fan + flighted bird is an accident waiting to happen.

I don't turn the ceiling fan on, but my DH was always turning it on & leaving the room. We've been living together since mid-may & my Makalii was fully flighted & thought the (off) ceiling fans made great perches & diving boards.

I always thought it was cute & was very careful to make sure the fans were off before I brought him out.... but it only took ONCE when DH left the room & I didn't check the fans before I let Maka out & it was horrible, horrible horrible.

He didn't die right away, I wound up holding him all through that night & having to make the hard decision to have him put to sleep the next morning. It's been less than 2 weeks since & I'm still crying myself to sleep.

08-16-2008, 09:30 AM
Oh no! How terrible. I am sorry for your loss.

Makes me feel a bit better about my decision to take Eddie's flight.

08-18-2008, 10:34 AM
Another thing that might make you feel better, is.....
I have a lovebird who is 17 years old. She tends to go in spurts. One month she is a daddy's girl and one month, she only wants her mom! I think clipping will help, but if it doesn't, I bet she'll get fickle and be your baby again soon!

08-20-2008, 07:46 PM
Thanks Michelle!

He has come around again. I think because I had been gone so much he was mad.Now I have been making a real effort to spend good quality cuddle time again. It has worked... Eddie is back to biting the bf's ears. (poor guy, he puts up with a lot)