View Full Version : playtime

wurking girl
08-03-2008, 03:55 PM
what are your favorite things to do with your lovie? :rofl:

08-03-2008, 06:15 PM
Lots of things! But I really like when me and my single lovebird Goofy have a meal together. He gets his own little bowl that way I have no worry about him having contact with food I've eaten from. It did take some trickery as he always wanted mine, but after making him think he gets my food all the time it finally paid off. Now "sometimes" we can enjoy a meal together where I actually get to eat too :nyah:....He also loves to play with his dingy bell and silverware. I have a special set of stainless steel butter knives and spoons that gets him going all the time. I keep them put away in a drawer just to see his anticipation when I ask if he wants them. I think if he were to ever get lost (gosh forbid), all I would need to do is rattle some silverware!..................:)

wurking girl
08-03-2008, 06:38 PM
how cute:)

08-03-2008, 07:07 PM
Right now, they are both on my shoulder, grooming one another. Sometimes they groom me too! I love it when they snuggle against my face or neck or nibble on my eyebrows. Since I just got Ducky recently, it is really great to see the two of them getting along! Thats my favourite playtime, at least for now!

08-03-2008, 08:07 PM
I love when Kiwi falls asleep in my hand, (see my avatar :) ) and he grinds his beak with contentment. I become a limp rag doll, filled with love, and even when my hand falls asleep and cramps :rolleyes: , I try not to disturb the lord and master!! :lol

We also eat meals together - he has his own plate, usually with a taste of my food, (those that are good for him) and some of his. He will run from my shoulder to my son's, then my husband's to show them his food, and comsume it, making quite the mess in our laps, hair, shoulders, hands!! :)

I just love that bird! :happy:

08-04-2008, 06:22 AM
I like the bath in the hands, the never ending questions to Eddie so I can see him bob his head "yes", and I LOVE it when he eats his veggies!

wurking girl
08-04-2008, 10:21 AM
I hope that willy will want to do that sometime to. He is still a baby and dosent like baths or fruits and vegies.:very_sad:

Buy A Paper Doll
08-04-2008, 12:22 PM
Playing "peekaboo birds" - either bird but mostly Mel
Playing "give momma a kiss!" with Milo and then pretending to swoon when he gives me a kiss
Preening momma - either bird
Biting daddy :evil: