View Full Version : Is she finally trusting me?

08-05-2008, 11:57 PM
I have had Taylor for approximately one week now, and it seems like she has settled down well. For the last three days now I have been putting my hand in the cage. The first day she totally freaked out but then calmed down. Yesterday she wasnt as scared. And today she didnt even run away from my hand and actually sat on her perch and looked at it. She doesnt try to bite though (which is a good sign right?). She doesnt let me get near enough to touch her but she lets me get pretty close. So, I was wondering if thats a sign of her starting to trust me? Oh and she also lets me get near her when she is outside of the cage :). I also noticed today that one of the feathers on her head, and back changed to a yellowish color. Is that normal? :confused: But other than that everything is going great except for her dislike of Millet spray ( I cut up 2 inch pieces and put them in her food bowl, but sadly she just took them and put them in a pile away from her food.) Oh and almost forgot, she likes to tear up the edges of newspaper on her cage floor. She doesnt tear in straight lines, more like bitting off the edges, and spitting it out. I am a new lovie owner, and so I have a lot of questions. :D

08-06-2008, 08:03 AM
Hi Amitesh, in regards to behaviour with your hand.. I'm not experts but I assume that's a good thing if she isnt getting freaked out.. but I'm sure other experts will be able to tell you.

In regards to millet though. I have had millet pegged to the side of elmos cage but also broken bits up inside his food bowl. he wont touch it in the food bowl but it took him a 6 days to realise millet was good and it wasn't until today that he demolished it!!!
So I suggest that you cut off a little bit and peg it to the side of the cage beside her food bowl if you want her to get to like millet.

I read somewhere that yellow spots are age spots?.. but again Im not expert and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

But sounds like you and taylor are on the right path :)

Do you know how old she is?