View Full Version : My lovebirds confuse me

08-06-2008, 02:14 PM
I got Sticky (male) about 3-4 weeks before Bobble (Female) so introduced them as you do and they seemed fine, a few squabbles and toes biting but Bobble is very feisty! They have been together since June but a few weekends a go while at my boyfriends i noticed that Sticky was on the floor of the cage (smaller than their normal one as they come with me to my boyfriends) and everytime he went to move or walk over to see me at the cage, if Bobble moved he retracted as if he was very frightened of her? He was running around trying to get away from her. This got me worried but when i got them home they were fine. I put it down to the cage being quite small.

But, a few days later Sticky was displaying the same behaviour, cowering in the corner or under a coop dish and if he wanted to get past her if she moved he retracts and runs away. She chases him all round the cage and he is frantically trying to get away. Sometimes i get him out to give him a break! Then the next day i come home and they are together with no problems, or if i get them out the cage together when he is displaying this behaviour they are absolutely fine with each other? Also, i noticed the other day that after being a scaredy cat later in the evening he was chasing her around?

He has started getting fruity with Bobble lately although they are both still young and im wondering if it is this? He has just been cowering now, he ran away from her so fast just a minute ago he bumped into the wall of the plastic base of the cage :( I got him out again for a breather but all they do is call to each other?

As the title says, my lovebirds confuse me! Do you think this is serious or just because they are going through the teen moulting stage? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Thanks, sorry post is long!

08-08-2008, 05:05 PM
Do you know old your birds are? If the female is older then the males that might be why. She might want babies and he is clueless and she is frustrated with him. Also how do you know what gender they are? Were they DNA sexed or did the person who sold them to you sex them by feeling. The reason i ask is because unless it is DNA or they have produced live young it is hard to tell. Sometimes birds just do not get along also. I would separate them in different cages and see how it goes.


08-09-2008, 06:20 AM
They were DNA'd before I bought them from a breeder (not a petshop). The Female was born in May and the Male born in April. Weirdly, they are getting on absolutely fine today and the male is chasing her around the cage!?! If i keep them seperated they look for each other to be together! Thanks for your reply :D

08-09-2008, 07:11 AM
I have a pair like this and they have an occasional love/hate affair going on between them! Luncinda ordinarily adores Marebelle (yup, male) but sometimes she's on his tailfeathers hot and heavy to the point where I have to remove him for at least 24 hrs for things to cool down. (I'm very sure they are male/female, as they've produced fertile eggs and they are parents to 4 live chicks.)

I've not totally figured out what trips her trigger but I know she's very aggressive and he's kind of laid back. There's always the option to re-pair them but they get along more than they don't get along, plus even in her most aggressive moments, she's never caused injury of any kind.

08-09-2008, 10:10 AM
I've not totally figured out what trips her trigger but I know she's very aggressive and he's kind of laid back. .

I had the same experience with my hen Blue Meanie and her mate Squeaky. When nesting, Blue Meanie severely bit Squeaky's toe which needed avian vet attention. Over the 13.5 years they were together, Squeaky got very fast at avoiding her when she was aggressive. Squeaky is still very laid back even after Blue Meanie's passing. I felt kinda sorry for him sometimes but if I separated them, they called for each other endlessly.

Maybe this is a common dynamic for lovebird pairs? I don't know about other pairs though as I've only had the one. Now I have two males which is a lot more peaceful so far!

08-09-2008, 01:41 PM
They have never hurt each other although they make such a racket you would think they are! Glad to hear others have the same experience, she is a very feisty girl so maybe thats just the way it is. Thanks again for the replies :D