View Full Version : Sleep, glorious sleep

Buy A Paper Doll
07-26-2005, 08:49 PM
I've mentioned previously that my birds don't seem to understand that they need 10-12 hours of sleep a night. Well, I think I found something that works.

I've started covering the cage with a lightweight, dark colored quilt. No light gets in at all except for the side that faces the wall, which I leave open for air circulation. It isn't too hot for the birds because hubby insists on running the A/C at 75 all night. I feel like I need to inspect the quilt every day, though, to make sure they're not chewing on it ... but that would be the case with any cage cover.

Now my little monsters settle down as soon as I cover the cage (instead of chirping for another hour) and they sleep an extra half hour each morning! That's an extra hour and a half of quiet time every night for them. So far I haven't noticed a big difference in their attitudes, but then, it's only been 2 nights. I have noticed a big difference in *my* attitude, though, being able to get that extra half hour in the morning... ;)

07-27-2005, 12:42 AM
I have been covering Trixie's cage since day one with a dark blue towel. She has only nipped it once.

She likes going to bed. She chirps happy chirps every night at the SAME EXACT TIME TO THE MINUTE (I'm not joking) when its time to goto sweepy land and if iwe wait to long, those happpy "its time for bed" tweets turn into demanding TAKE ME TO BED NOW DADDY TWEETS.

She kisses me every night and then happily jumps into her nighty night cage and settles down after a bed time snack.

She will wake every once in a while to eat and sometimes when I come to bed late she calls to me in this sweet little call which I answer, then she answers my answer, and I answer her answer to my original answer. NOw, to keep this from going on all night, I say in a real sing songy voice "Its oh-kay.. go to sweepy" and she settles right back down and goes right to sleep.

I think she likes it dark. Even on Saturday mornings, when the local kids play and the teenages crank thier car steroes when they wash thier cars and stuff, she stays in sleepy mode until I come get her at the appropriate time.

She gets 12 or so hours every day and is happy as a lovie can be .

I dont think she would be as likely to sleep or stay quiet if her nighty night cage wasnt covered.


Buy A Paper Doll
07-27-2005, 06:56 AM
I had been covering the cage with lightweight cotton in a dark color but it wasn't enough to keep the cage dark. If the cage isn't dark there will be NO sleepytime for lovebirds in this house.

Melody used to be very much like Trixie in that she'd let me know at about 8:30 that she was ready for bed. Now that she's shackin' up with Milo, his bad habits are wearing off on her and she stays up until he goes to bed. :roll:

07-27-2005, 07:11 AM
All of my birds, go to bed at 8pm....the two babies...(creamino and splitcinnamonino) put their self to bed at 7pm and if I dont get into their room to cover their cages by this time, they go to bed anyway.....they dont care if there is light or not.....
I dont hear them in the am, as they are in their own room, my sunportch.....but my daughter told me that she hears them at 5am!!! man Im glad they have their own room! :eek:
We dont uncover their cages until after 7 but before 8am....so they stay pretty quiet until then.
Im glad for that.....they are ALL good birdies!
take care,

07-27-2005, 12:54 PM
Whenever I leave Gracie and George covered in the morning while I sleep in, they start getting all clucky and nesty. Must make the cage like a big nestbox for them. I don't do that anymore ...

07-27-2005, 01:57 PM

I also cover the cages with quilts all but one side, but if I don't remember to draw the verticals shut I am woken up at the crack of dawn :rolleyes:

Glad you have a found a solution to your lack of sleep dilema. I bet a few people are :lol (just a teasin ;) )

07-27-2005, 02:41 PM
Mine act like the minute they finish dinner it's "night-night". They go to bed around 7 or 7:30pm and I get them up at 7 am. If I over sleep on Saturdays, Daisy is the one who calls for me to "get her out" - little stinker.

They each have a separate night time cage and they each get covered, side-by-side. Daisy gets her pavillion, Molly get his blankie and Piper hangs on the side of the cage (ugh) all night. If I make any noise after I put them to bed, Molly yells at me to be quiet. :rolleyes:

07-27-2005, 09:38 PM
Since I got the dang newbirds, my flock has been chirping at 6am every day. No more sleep-in mornings for me unless I have ear plugs, something I now buy in bulk.