View Full Version : Bear with my babbling, if it were...

08-11-2008, 09:09 PM
I have something that I would like to get off my chest, and this is in no way targeted to anyone here on the forums, but I need to vent and I think most of you can agree with me.

I currently work at Starbucks in a rather busy shopping center that just opened a vet's office. There is a vet that comes in every day (male, might I add) for a soy latte. I don't know if anyone is aware, but soy contains trace amounts of estrogen and really is not good for men to consume LARGE amounts of it, as it were.

Anyway, back on topic. The vet's office was having an Open House, and asked to place a brochure in my store. I told them as long as it wasn't a paying affair (and it was not) that they could indeed do that. The vet then asked if any of us had any pets.

Most people I work with have cats and dogs. One girl I work with has a cockatoo, who is very well trained and socialized, so the need for a wing clip for her bird is not needed.

I, on the other hand -- live in a townhome that has 10 foot first floor ceilings, and 14 foot 2nd floor ceilings (in each bedroom, and in each bedroom there is a 12 foor high plant ledge above each closet.) The ceilings in my hallway are up to 25 feet high, as I am in the largest townhome with a large gabled ceiling.

So needless to say, Cherry's wings are clipped (and by myself, been doing it for years -- and I never ever make them too STUMPY ;)) because there are too many places that she could fly up to and get hurt should she "wander" upstairs, or if she is on my shoulder and decided to take off. Cherry can glide to the ground, glide short distances if she feels the need to stretch but not glide UPWARDS short of about 5 feet off the ground. She has all the freedom that I feel is safe for her. After all, I was entrusted to give her the best and a good home, and that is what I try to do.

Let me tell you, this vet made me feel like $@!+ because I keep Cherry's wings clipped. He said to me, "So, are you one of the idiots out there that clips a bird's wings and takes away their god-given right to fly?".

I wanted to throw the steaming hot pitcher of milk in his face, but I don't think corporate would have approved of that. Who the hey is he to tell me what I should be doing for my bird? Am I making fun of him because he MIGHT eventually get a "chest" per-say for drinking SOY all the time? No, because that isn't my place.

I know wing-clipping isn't "kosher" in everyone's book, but why do some people feel the need to poke fun of us? Some of us do it not only for the safety of our beloved pets, but for a slight "attitude" adjustment that they might need, or perhaps clipping their wings can really change a birdie around and make the birdie more attached to you when you are beginning to know each other?

Egads. Just needed to honestly know what you all thought. Thanks for letting me vent.

08-11-2008, 09:23 PM
Gee, maybe you should have said cheerfully, politely, and proudly: "Why yes, I am, and so are most of my friends, except for the one who gave her Grey the right to fly, took it outside, and it was eaten by a redtailed hawk. So tell me, are you one of those vets who gets a ton of money doing ear clips on Dobermans, tail docks on Jack Russells, and takes away a dog's god given right to have dewclaws? Not to mention one who spays and neuters, because it's their right to reproduce willy-nilly?"

I'm bad. I'm very bad. I am sorry you had to stand there and gain the ability to steam milk with body temperature alone!

08-11-2008, 09:55 PM
I'm sorry Terry but I had to laugh at your post!!!! That would have been the best comeback ever! Hands Down! I would have loved to see his face if you said that to him! He would have probably been speechless

08-12-2008, 12:18 AM
chromasnake thats a fantastic come back!!

you would think that as a vet he would have a well balanced view.. but I guess this assumption is asking too much..

you should put up a signs all over the walls of his vet clinic..

"This vet would prefer that my bird to fly and get killed by my ceiling fans because it is my birds god given right.."

08-12-2008, 06:54 AM
OMG, you guys are too funny.

Maybe....I should make some picket signs and hand out lattes......;) THAT would certainly get everyone's attention.

It just shocked me to hear that from a vet without him knowing the home that I live in and what ALL of us do to keep our pets safe.

08-12-2008, 09:35 AM
hiiiii, well it think it depends on the person. i was reading that when u clip ur birds wings all the time with time their wings get damage and they might have problems flying later on and some might never fly again...its like if someone doesnt let u walk for a long time ur legs will get wierd after a while....but everybody has their reasons to clip their birds wings...for example my chichi that passes away, oh gosh he was so good i never needed to clip his wings he was a very good lovebird...my tootee learned from chichi to go out of his cage fly around and go back to his cage...but i do need to clip tootees wings because i am still training him...even though his wings are clip he still flies a bit...the new parakeet i didnt name yet too he also needs his wings clip because he is not train but he is very young....but when i got my cockiel from a friend even though he was a baby his wings were clip, but he was very tame also, now that his wings are normal when he flys its a little bit funny he doesnt know how to land etc, because it looks like he didnt practice flying a lot before they clip his wings...and i do want him to fly like anyother bird, i heard that flying its a good exercise for birds also so i do let them fly...i know they can scape and other dangers but i have double doors in the house because of them and whenever i let them fly inside my house nobody opens the doors...i am very careful about it...but like i said everybody has their personal reasons to clip their birds wings....

08-12-2008, 10:45 AM
I agree with you tokameaki, though I think for that vet to pass judgement so quickly without knowing any facts is poor on his behalf.

I saw numerous budgies fly out of my nanny's window when growing up... It was heart breaking every single time..

If elmo was tame, I would let his wings grow out, but when he does have out of the cage time.. He just tries to find exits.. I couldn't bear to lose him.

08-12-2008, 11:01 AM
like i said it really depends on ur situation....my cockatiel its so tame i dont need to clip his wings...but i would never take outside a bird that has his wings clip either...like i said i try to make my house bird accident proof...my windows are close and if they arent they have a screem, i have double door....the birds that arent tame fly around my room when everything is close...and when i am around the house and somebody is at the door i take my baby back to his cage because like i said he is tame he knows he has to go back...next to my door there is a sing that says in spanish lol..."cheka tus hombros" means check ur shoulders"....because sometimes u have them in ur shoulders and someone is at the door and u forget (i have read stories lol)...but u never know...but like also said...my tootee has his wings clip because i am training him still and he still flys...the way that vet said it was bad, i wasnt there but there are ways to say things...and sometimes some people sound mean but they really arent...like for example a costumer asked me why the blue buffalo dog food was expensive and the pedigree, beneful, purina and ekenuba, was cheap....i explain her that well pedigree, beneful, purina and ekenuba had by animal products and thats why they were cheaper and that blue buffalo had organic meat and ingredients...and she said so the cheap brands are garbage?????...i was like no miss its no its not...bla bla she went online on her cell and search what by animal product means and oh my gosh she was mad...i didnt mean it like that...she ask and i answer but anyways i wasnt there so i dont know....everybody has their reasons to clip or not to clip their birds...

08-12-2008, 03:46 PM
Gee, maybe you should have said cheerfully, politely, and proudly: "Why yes, I am, and so are most of my friends, except for the one who gave her Grey the right to fly, took it outside, and it was eaten by a redtailed hawk. So tell me, are you one of those vets who gets a ton of money doing ear clips on Dobermans, tail docks on Jack Russells, and takes away a dog's god given right to have dewclaws? Not to mention one who spays and neuters, because it's their right to reproduce willy-nilly?"

I can't top that! Great reply, Terry! :clap

08-12-2008, 06:20 PM
My vet demanded an all pellet diet with limited seeds for my fids i rolled my eyes but to this day its a fight between me and my girlfriend her argument is "the vet knows and she said pellets!" and i say "they are my birds and i have read and heard many many things and know thier energy level and intake of food so long as there is not to much seeds or pellets and lots of veggies and fruits they are ok" to this day it is one of our only arguements with each other.

Buy A Paper Doll
08-12-2008, 08:37 PM
What Terry said. :)

I've had people tell me that I am a horrible person for clipping my birds' wings. I tell them that as long as there is a ceiling fan in this house, the birds will get wing clips.

08-12-2008, 09:05 PM
Oohhhh, what a jerk! Like you were just taking a pair of dress shears to your bird's wings for fun! For the majority of bird owners, clipping is a stressful, emotional, and well researched issue. Surely he is not an avian vet. I'd return every one of his stupid brochures. Spit in his coffee for me, please.

08-13-2008, 07:23 PM
He wasn't poking fun, he was being rude. I don't care if he has DVM/VMD after his name: he's a nasty man. He certainly has a right to express his opinion and present his case but if he wants to succeed in his chosen career, he should learn to watch his tongue.

He has a point: birds are meant to fly, be they finches or macaws. And I do think that if you can offer them a safe way to be flighted in your home, then that's ideal. But a properly clipped parrot can be happy, healthy AND safe - Beetle was and Pickle is.

08-24-2008, 10:51 AM
Birds are meant to fly, but it's also our responsibility to keep ours safe! My birds are clipped too, and I am often sad that I'm denying them their flight, but I am also relieved that my birds will not fly into the cieling fan, or outdoors. I think in many household cirumstances, clipping saves birds' lives. I've heard of too many pet parrots that have just flown away.

08-24-2008, 12:07 PM
That vet is a brave (sometimes bravery is confused with stupidity) to insult someone whom is mixing, cooking, or serving food!

Don't let it bother you. He has probably never even kept a pet bird before. And, I am sure he is one of the numerous vets that treat birds that are unqualified to do so. It is rare to have an avian certified vet in any vet office I have found.

Make sure you add a little extra soy to speed up the man ***** next time you get his "latte"!

08-24-2008, 10:55 PM
That vet is a brave (sometimes bravery is confused with stupidity) to insult someone whom is mixing, cooking, or serving food!

Don't let it bother you. He has probably never even kept a pet bird before. And, I am sure he is one of the numerous vets that treat birds that are unqualified to do so. It is rare to have an avian certified vet in any vet office I have found.

Make sure you add a little extra soy to speed up the man ***** next time you get his "latte"!

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl extra soy