View Full Version : Those with more than one bird

08-12-2008, 05:38 AM
How do you divide your time between them?

I'm absolutely in love with a senegal parrot. He loves me back (he even does a mating dance for me!). LOL.

Five days out of the week, I leave for work at 7-7:30 (later during the school year) and get home around 3:30-4:00. Fenway comes out for a few minutes in the morning and then when I clean the kitchen/house before and after dinner. He vacuums and mops with me, etc. He's pretty clingy. The only time he isn't on me when he is out of his cage is if he's in "special spot" in the pantry (which has actually been a lot lately). He loves playing and birdy talking to the cans. LOL.

I do not want to get a larger parrot if I cannot provide him with the time and love he deserves. I'm also not sure if a senegal would stay on a play gym/stand. I think he would, but my home is a different environment than what he's used to (but I think if I threw some toys his way, he would be the happiest bird in the world).

Fenway doesn't usually come out when we're watching TV or when I'm on the computer. When we watch TV, he tends to bite our hands because we're touching HIS remote control. And he is pretty possessive of the keyboard (plus, he poops on the keys, LOL).

I am just in love with this parrot. I work with him every day. He had started becoming cage aggressive, so I would start moving things around and just be present. Then we worked on step up. Now he says "STEP UP!" and puts out his little foot and opens and closes it! :clap :rofl: I had been taking him out every day to try to potty train him, but he has never once pooped out of cage with me (and the reason why I wanted to potty train him was because he poops in the same area of his cage, he's messy, but he only goes to the bathroom in a certain area). He gets excited to see me and I look forward to seeing him everyday. Since I've been working with him, he now says, "Hello!", "Hiiiiii", "Bubba Bird", "step up" and "wooooo" (especially when you fly him around on your finger like an airplane :rotfl ). We're working on "peanut", "lovin'" (for head rubs), and "I love you".

He's also really good with other people. He steps up for my coworkers and even customers. I know that this could change completely once he's in our home, but it gives me some hope that he might actually bond with my husband and son. Fenway has vendetta against my husband and son and will seek them out and try to kill them. He will actually act all sweet and loving and get them when they least expect it. LOL. They still wouldn't be around him as much as I probably would, but I think they would put in more effort if the bird wasn't searching to pierce their ears or lips.

Honestly, it's stupid, but I feel horrible that someone might not love him as much as I can. But I don't want Fenway to feel neglected or like he got the short end of the stick.

What would you guys do? There are a lot of pros and cons in this situation.

08-12-2008, 07:17 AM

I know how you feel. Let's relate it this way, shall we....

I have two girls. I make sure each one of them gets "Mommy" time every day. I think that if you treat the birds the same way -- you'll be good to go.

I felt like my older daughter was getting the short end of the stick the entire time I was pregnant with my other daughter. In the end, she got the BEST of the stick.

Another good point is that he may be good with your husband and son. Perhaps they can be in a different part of the house "playing" with him while you are having your Fenway time.

I know how you feel about this "birdie" not going to a GREAT home like you know you can provide for him. I was in a similar predicament with a dog that needed a good home years ago, I had him for one day when he "needed" to go back (long story) and every day I feel guilty about that.

I say, "Go for it girlie!" ;)

08-12-2008, 09:23 AM
hi, you have to be very very organize...my cockatiel is cool he loves my shoulder and my dogs or cats dont mess with him because my cockatiel hisses at them so they get scare of him...but my lovebird gosh he really is hard to train but i have hopes lol...i give him 3 hour of flying around inside my room by himself (when my other birds are inside their cage)...and another hour of trying to talk to him and trying to get him get used to my hands while i watch tv lol...the same with the new parakeet my neighbor said he found outside his job and gave it to me...i also have dogs and cats, fish, they are never inside a crate unless the birds are outside of the cage...dont want no accidents lol...its hard...i wake up to feed everybody...i clean my house everyday, i spend lots of money....but they keep me busy i love them...they are my babies!!!

08-12-2008, 10:19 AM
Hi Tina. My thoughts on your little dilemma would be that your definitely not alone here. I'm sure if many of us had the time "and space" we would soon be taking up residence in an area that more closely resembles the local zoo.....:wink:....well, how about a big mansion instead with a maid who carries a pooper scooper?........Let me say over the course of many years, I've also wanted to bring home several species of animals. I can assure you most were in fact parrots of all different sizes who's personality or temperament meant very little as far as providing them a loving home. I just absolutely love birds of all species, and probably if given the time along with a little of the above, who knows what would be flying around my home at this time :clap.

Ok, so thank gosh most of us are somewhat well endowed with a bit of moral common sense (I think). Afterall, it would be a shame if we turned out like the proverbial "cat lady" we often hear about on the local news who's home which once housed her beloved animal family now more closely resembles a torture chamber. Believe me, there's no shortage of the avian version either as I have witnessed this often first hand :(. Well, perhaps I am taking this a bit too far, but then you do have to wonder how these sort of things happen.

Needless to say, my best response here to "our little dilemma" is, as long as we always keep their best interests in mind our conscience will bare no suffering. Quite honestly, this is what has kept me from keeping birds for the last 25 years prior to finally keeping a lovebird. You can bet I consider myself very fortunate to have learned this very early on. Really, I think the most important part of this may be that we are now in a position to help others make a more educated decision regarding pet ownership by providing them with not only loads of information related to housing and care, but a bit of insight as to their "moral obligations" when choosing to bring home a pet, especially certain avian pets (like senegals :)) as we know in comparison their care is far different than that of dogs, cats, or any other species of pets. Perhaps in your position you could possibly help screen prospective new owners before they make their final decision? Of course, you should keep in mind there are others who if given the chance may care for our friends just as we would. Hard to admit this I know, but then even I have come to the realization that there are those who could offer better care than I do regarding my own single lovebird, even though I still feel I'm the best fidpa he could possibly have :rolleyes:..... Now could they love him more than me?.... No way!.... But then, surely they could still teach me a few things about the rest..................:)

08-12-2008, 11:00 AM
Kristina: I'm wondering where you work that there is a parrot there?

Pips mom
08-12-2008, 03:07 PM
I think if you really love this bird so much, that you should get it. I also think you are right that the chances are this bird won't find a better home than yours! I now have four birds, and with each new arrival, things change, and with four, yes I have to do some juggling to give them all time out and attention. When you become a parent, you always worry too about these things, but all you really have to do is the do the best that you can. I am lucky because I work evenings, which leaves the best, and happiest part of the birdies day with me here! I also have alternate days off most time from my boyfriend, so sometimes when I am working, he is here, and when he is working, I am here.......I find that I have tons of time for them most of the time, as long as I don't have alot of other things going on.
The way I look at it.......I love my birds. I make time for them, make adjustments for them, and do what I have to, and they are just a big happy family. Yeah some aren't that fond of the others, but they do ok! Nobirdy really hates or dislikes any other bird, and all just seem to adjust and be happy! Sometimes I do wonder if it's just luck in alot of situations with my birds......is it something I'm doing right? or did I just luck out and get great birds! or a little of both! Anyway, I think you got what it takes to work everything out, and can give this bird a good loving home.....I think you should go for it as well!

08-12-2008, 08:55 PM
Ah, in love with a pet you don't really own. :cry: What animal lover hasn't been there? I loved my ex-roommate's weiner dog. I worked 3rd shift, so I ended up being the primary care giver. I walked it, took it to vet visits, carted it around town with me on errands. When we moved I seriously considered dognapping her. I liked my roomie a lot, but LOVED that dog. I know I was and would have been a better mama.

If you are wondering what this has to do with your situation, all I am trying to point out was that I had to let go of the emotion and look at logic. Hard to do when looking into a pair of sweet brown doggie eyes. You may love this bird and may feel like nobody else can give it a good home, but you also may be letting emotion cloud your decision.

It may be different if your whole family could help with both birds but since you are Fenway's sole source of love, it makes things that much harder. And as great as new bird sounds, it could be really disruptive for your household. What if your husband and son give off anti-bird vibes and the new one doesn't care for them either? Are you really prepared to do a daily juggling act? Especially when you already have such a fabulous lovie?

You have obviously put a lot of time and effort into making sure work bird is social, happy, and healthy. Surely there won't be a lack of interest in him. Maybe you can make sure that you are the one who screens potential new homes for him so you can make sure everything feels okay to you. This bird could be a great member of your household, but it could mean the world for someone who is lonely and looking for a fun, charming companion. You could have just trained your first therapy bird! :clap

I'd say hash it out with family and coworkers. Then do what you feel is in Fenway's best interest. Whatever that may be.

And I am off my soapbox. :rolleyes: Good luck.

08-13-2008, 05:44 AM
There isn't really a way to screen potential buyers. I have the right to not sell an animal to someone, but he's fairly expensive for anyone just wanting to screw around.

I would not take him home if my husband didn't want him here. He said the other night that he wouldn't mind having another parrot around, which was pretty surprising. LOL. I think he sees the work I put into our pets. And now with Fenway mimicking more, he loves it.

David (son) is more scared of birds. He is not super active with Fenway (mainly because Fenway will get on his shoulder and go straight for his ear). But he will talk and interact with him, just won't let him on.

Unrelated, but last night, my husband noticed that Fenway said "step up". Fenway has never been really good with my husband, but he will only say it FOR my husband. He also will kiss on cue for him (which he never does with me! LOL). To be honest, I was pretty jealous. He sat with him last night for a good two hours and they talked back and forth! I am going to have to post a different thread because it has me confused.

I'm still torn over the situation. The last time I felt this way was when we adopted our dog (which was one of the best decisions we've made, I couldn't imagine my life without that giant pile of fur).

Laura, I work at a locally owned pet store (a husband and wife team, the wife owns one store and the husband owns the one I work at). To be honest, I absolutely love my job, the pay is kind of crappy, but I enjoy what I do. I don't do a lot of floor work anymore, mainly managerial, office and bird stuff. I work with most of the birds - taming, feeding babies, special cases, and taking care of customers that have questions about birds, etc. My boss loves me because I'm a research-a-holic. I'm not afraid to say I don't know an answer and will get back to you with the right one. LOL. All of our birds come from local breeders and we have the right to not sell an animal to someone if we feel they can't provide a proper home.

I checked out a lot of places before deciding to work there. But they do a great job of taking care of the animals, which I love. I wouldn't be able to work somewhere that didn't. I also love that they donate a lot to animal control. Anything that we can't return to our distributors, they donate to animal control (which to be honest, is A LOT. I had to take things to animal control once, and my entire car was full, including the front and back seats. This happens 1-2 times a month). Plus, the food we sell is of a higher quality. Another reason why I started working there was because they don't sell the horrible dog foods. It's mainly your top notch foods, with maybe 3 not-so-great ones.

Anyway, I'm still trying to decide. The thing is that I don't want any parrot, I want this one. I saw an ad for a senegal the other day that would include everything for far less than what I would spend (which hurts because I am such a bargain shopper, LOL) and I wasn't the least bit interested. It's been this way for a few weeks.

I will let everyone know. I really appreciate the input.

08-13-2008, 10:17 AM
Personally, I say go for it. It sounds like it is very well thought out, you have a supportive husband, and you and Bubba Bird already adore one another.

I know what it's like to have animals tug at your heartstrings, and I am always struggling to keep from turning into one of those crazy animal hoarders. I keep telling myself that I can't save the world, but just trying to save my own little corner of it can become pretty overwhelming.

My last four cats were only supposed to be temporary, while I found them new homes. Momma and two of her kittens (Simon and Delilah) are now permanent additions, and now Shotsie is almost a permanent addition. I would still give her to someone that I knew would give her a good home, but the bonding has taken us beyond the point of dropping her off at a shelter.

The only thing that keeps me going is telling myself that I can hopefully get a house within the next year or so. Otherwise I don't know how I'll sneak five cats into another apartment!

I agree with the other poster that said it sounds hopeful that the senegal might be able to bond with your husband, and if so that would free you up for Fenway time. I guess you have to decide what would be more stressful: Not taking him and yearning for the bird that you bonded with so strongly, or taking him and then possibly trying to divide your time up if you found that he did not take to your husband and/or son as you hoped.

He sounds like he would be worth the risk, but only you can judge what is best for you and your family. (I've been yearning for a senegal myself). Good luck with your decision!

Pips mom
08-13-2008, 12:02 PM
Awwww, desicions can be so hard sometimes! I wonder what Fenway would think of this bird......with Pip I feel that I know him well enough and have seen his reaction to other birds and a new bird added.....he response is always the same.....the more the merrier! One of the things I just love about Pip's personality.....he just loves everyone! It's SO cute watching him trying to impress Ivy......he absolutely loves her!
When I got my first bird, I knew from day one that my plan would be to get more. I had a plan of having three......Pip was the one not planned! and even though he is probably the most troublesome out of them all, he is just so much fun.....withought even really thinking too much, we just took Pip, and I'm really glad that we did! Even though I don't think I would get another lovie now......I know that I will always want one in my life....ONE! lol and my birds now are my limit.....4 is it! One bird more than I had planned! Mostly I find all the work involved, cage cleaning and the floor and all that....three cages is enough! I don't know how people do it who have more!
I hope that you make your decision soon so you put yourself out of your misery! lol I'm sure whatever the choice you make will work out fine!

08-13-2008, 05:44 PM
I let out my little birds out first then let out the sun conres out an hour later and watch the flock as they all play then in an hour of togetherness i put the little ones back then in an hour the bigs ones so they all get atleast 2 hours play time half to do what they want alone and an hour to harass each other lol.

08-13-2008, 07:19 PM
If your heart is telling you to get the sennie, GET THE SENNIE :)

I really like Senegal parrots so I'm really of no help...

I know that this is agonizing. You have a FT job raising your child, a job outside of the home, a husband and a few pets as it is. That's a lot right there. If you think that you can give a new member of the family (feathered, furred or otherwise) the proper care and love it deserves, than go for it!

Let us know what you decide,
