View Full Version : Well i never did......

08-15-2008, 05:16 AM
So its a normal morning, wake up Jack, wishing him a good morning, provide cool fresh water, change his seed/pellet mix to a fresh batch, then open door to hand feed him his first few seeds which he like me to do, before he hops on to get taken to the scale to be weighed. 46g so no loss and no gain. Then hop back to seed tray to see what hes got today while i go to kitchen to sort out a bowl of fresh veg and fruit along with beak appetite that i know will be ignored but hey ho, its there is he fancies it.

Back to his cage to put in veg tray and before i know it he hops on and starts munching down on the apples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG i could have died with excitement, then he moves on the carrots, peppers, rice there was no stopping him and i sat there with a hugh grin on my face watching him for over 20 mins- sad i know ............and late for work but it was worth it.
So what was different about today - who knows, do i care NOOOOOOOOOOPE :happy: :happy: :happy:

08-15-2008, 05:35 AM
congrats on you getting the to eat fruit!!!..

this ahh.. may sound stupid... but when you give them rice.. its cooked or uncooked?

08-15-2008, 05:48 AM

Not stupid at all, i cook it rice along with quinoa with a pinch of cinnamon, i use brown rice, i made a batch and froze it then i take out a small amount the night before to thaw and warm it a bit making sure its not tooo hot before feeding, then after about a few hours i take it out.

08-15-2008, 07:44 AM
Wow! Well, that gives me hope for Odie. I did find the other day that he LOVES whole grain cheerios. So, I'll just keep trying different things.
