View Full Version : adorable craigslist post

08-17-2008, 07:40 PM
Here's a very cute picture on a local Craigslist ad. I've never seen a luvie pose like this!


08-17-2008, 08:05 PM
oh i want him.. its a shame im on the otherside of the world.

08-17-2008, 08:15 PM
Yes, he is a very adorable little lovie :). Sounds like his owner is truly trying to find him a good loving home by at least asking a reasonable rehoming fee that also includes his cage and such. There are always a handful of lovebirds for a "rehoming fee" on Cleveland Craigslist in my area. Most unfortunately are not really trying to rehome them, but are in fact local breeders that are trying to sell them. While most lovebirds are well worth their asking price, much of what determines their value depends on species, breeding history, and overall health. What we found was many of these breeders were trying to offset the cost of caring for their "leftover" birds by offering them for a general rehoming fee of $25. An interesting note about those unscrupulous individuals who advertise a rehoming fee (but instead are trying to sell them) is they usually don't include any photo's and are slow to answer certain prehistory health related questions. This would be enough to send up a red flag. As for the friendly little lovie in question here, at least the owner put up a great photo. Thats a good start in my book...................:)

Pips mom
08-17-2008, 10:45 PM
The picture is quite adorable! and pics do tell a story sometimes.....in these you can tell that this is a very tame lovie who seems to love human interaction. I got Pip from craigslist as well......you should have seen the ad placed.......it was very long! explaining alot about him and his needs, and also had some cute pics. I remember the ad saying Pip was a plant chewer, so it would best to have no plants around......yeah....Pip is an EVERYthing chewer! lol pens and wires rank right up there with plants.....he failed to mention that :lol Oh.....and computer mouses! Pip's ad was very nice though, not so much the pics, but all the time and effort put into it, you could tell that this person really wanted the best home for him.....but....he wasn't charging a re-homing fee.....not a good idea in my book, but I gave him something anyway. I couldn't just take him for free.

08-17-2008, 10:57 PM
Here in FL, $50.00 rehoming fee is the price that handfed Peachface lovebirds sell for! Many times, breeders can't even get that much for them!

While he's a cute lovebird, his baby feathering is in very poor condition. He has stress marks all over the place which makes me wonder what kind of care he's been getting from the breeder. Could be that he's so bonded to humans that that, alone, is enough to affect feather condition. :(

08-18-2008, 04:48 PM
Linda, I thought that those were stress marks/bars as well... I have to say that Beetle, who was the youngest of his clutch, was in perfect feather as a baby, as was Pickle. True, this little guy could be really clumsy or what-have-you...

In any case, I hope that the little darling does find his or her way to a wonderful home (hint hint Bubble King hint hint)! If I still had friends on Oahu, I'd make them bring the little guy home ;)

08-18-2008, 05:31 PM
Ahhh! If i knew of an easy way to get him from Oahu to Maui, I'd pick him up myself! I had a lovie when I was little who would let us roll him on his back & let us skritch his head while it lolled btwn our fingers... he was so limp, it was hilarious!

My first lovie was the only one who with his 1st molt was UGHLY. Seriously ugh. We thought he was sick & took him to the vet. Vet said he was just molting & to watch his diet better. When he was done molting, he was gorgeous & never had any feather problems after that, not on any subsequant molts.

ohh... i miss my Makalii.

08-18-2008, 05:41 PM
Boo does that but only for mom lol
I have contacted the poster he may be my new fid we shall see.
I would be happy to bring him from hawaii to maui on the super ferry if your serious......
Or i have a small plane that we fly inter island i may be able to do it that way also :)

08-19-2008, 06:31 PM
He was snatched up real quick! i hope the sweetie found a good home, which is best i guess since my girlfriend said no ifs ands or buts no more birds! I had figured once it is in the house with house food toys etc she cant say no buwahahahaha
So i guess since he was taken and i didnt get him i wont have to sleep on the couch next to the birds (if you love them so much go sleep with them has been heard a few times in my house lol)

08-19-2008, 06:56 PM
awww... I'm glad he found a home quickly, he was a cutie. I hope they love him lots and lots & that his new fid mommy or daddy find LPC quickly!

08-19-2008, 07:20 PM
I looked at that ad really quick yesterday, and just went back to snatch a glimpse of it again today -- and I noticed something "odd".

The owner was giving the bird away AND the cage. And the cage was listed as a round one! I thought lovies were never ever to be in a round cage, as they couldn't feel safe & secure...so perhaps that is the reasoning for the "bar marks/striping" on the feathers as well.

08-19-2008, 11:30 PM
sometimes you have less than learned owners. Our first lovie had a round cage that he inherited from our former keets. It was a 2-3ft cylinder... The next 2 lovies we had inherited the round cage. They seemed to have no problems with the roundness & were let out often for cuddle time.

It wasn't until we got our 3rd lovie that we got him a rectangular cage.

08-20-2008, 07:34 PM
I hope the new owner finds this site. It has been great for me as a new bird owner.