View Full Version : TS/Hurricane Fay

08-17-2008, 11:35 PM
Hope all of you on the west coast of FL stay safe. The path keeps changing, but our area is at times right in the bulls eye. They are anticipating it will hopefully pass us by, and we'll only get 60 mph winds, but that's what they thought with Charley and then we watched as it turned and nailed us.

But I'm always up for a good storm. Makes things a little exciting, as long as it stays below Cat 2.

I wish all of you Floridians a safe ride...

08-18-2008, 01:05 AM
Thanks, Heather
I, too, am watching TS Fay. Charlie was supposed to make landfall at the mouth of Tampa Bay but made that sudden, unexpected turn to the right near Naples. No one had a chance to do anything but stay put and pray for the best. In Tampa, we were told to evacuate to Orlando. Those that did found themselves face to face with Charlie......

Even with all of our modern technology, Mother Nature has the ability to fool us all when we least expect it. The best thing is to just prepare for the worst that could happen and be thankful if the exercise was for nothing.

08-18-2008, 07:24 AM
Yeah, with Charlie I was totally unaware and didn't even know about him until the day before. They said he was hitting Tampa as a Cat 1 or 2, so we didn't think much about it. We got a half day off of work to get prepared. My boyfriend and I came back to my place and turned on the news and I was getting ready (moving things in from outdoors and such) when my boyfriend yelled out that the hurricane had turned and was heading right at us, and was now a Cat 4! We filled the tub with pillows and such, in case it got bad and we had to climb in there with the cats for shelter.

As it turned out, Charley hit our barrier islands, and that caused it to jog about 15 miles further north. So we in this area did not get the direct hit. Our winds only got to around 80 mph, and I think some areas there were gusts around 100 mph. I spent the first half of the storm on my balcony taking pictures, since the winds were coming from the back of the building. Then the eye passed over, and the winds shifted, and my camera was getting wet in the plastic bag I had it in, and I was soaked. So I finally had to head inside.

My uncle lost one of his stores in Charley. Luckily none of us sustained any other serious property damage. I remember my boyfriend and I had to drive all of the way to Naples to get something to eat the next day-- they had power down there.

Fay seems to be taking a path very similar to that of Charley, so I think that people in this area are a little nervous. Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone involved...

08-19-2008, 05:24 AM
Faye made landfall at Marco Island this morning and is pretty much expected to fizzle out. There wasn't enough time between the time she crossed the Keys until she made landfall to intensify so FL can breathe easier, at least this time. There is high pressure moving our way from the East and from the North so that may keep Fay from reaching the Atlantic and continuing to travel on.

Buy A Paper Doll
08-19-2008, 07:33 AM
It's not even raining here yet; I fully expected to wake up to pouring rain. I guess this means the office is open today and I have to go to work. :(

08-19-2008, 07:58 AM
Yeah, I had a feeling last night that this would be another Wilma, and it was (like Wilma for my area, that is. Not nearly as serious as Wilma for Marco, which is a little ways south of me). I've got some good winds and rain right now, but nothing serious (winds about 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph). It's just dumping lots of rain.

So at least it should be a nice day off of work with some "Odie time"!

08-19-2008, 08:35 AM
:( :( :( Nope, nope, nope! No days off allowed! :wink: All we have in my area is complete quiet, no wind, no rain, no nothing...including sunshine! The atmosphere is so quiet here that it's almost surreal!

That's OK, however! I had enough action in 2004 to last me for the rest of my life!

08-19-2008, 04:10 PM
Kind thoughts to everyone based in FL, as well asto those with family and friends there.



Buy A Paper Doll
08-19-2008, 07:43 PM
I had enough action in 2004 to last me for the rest of my life!

You and me both!!

It just stopped raining here, so DH is taking the dog for a walk. I am quite confident my neighbors think we're crazy. Earlier, after everyone had packed up their patio furniture and huddled inside, I was standing barefoot in the middle of the back yard with the dog, saying "go poopy!" over and over again, while she stood in the grass, apparently oblivious to the tropical storm-strength wind and rain swirling around us. :x

08-20-2008, 12:57 PM
Glad to hear everyone here so far seems to have come through fine. We had tens of thousands without power, but the majority have power back now. I'm not aware of any real damage in our area.

...so DH is taking the dog for a walk...

Okay, so I have to ask...

I see you always referencing "DH" in your posts. All I can come up with is that maybe it stands for "Dear Hubby"? Or it is a person's initials? Something else?

Buy A Paper Doll
08-21-2008, 07:33 PM
Okay, so I have to ask...

I see you always referencing "DH" in your posts. All I can come up with is that maybe it stands for "Dear Hubby"? Or it is a person's initials? Something else?

DH = "Darling Husband." Sometimes said with sarcasm, sometimes without.

It appears that I spoke too soon re: the rain stopping. Has poured nonstop for, oh, 24 hours here now that the storm has "passed." :roll: And the carpet is soaked along the back wall of the house, which means we have water coming in somewhere. I'm assuming from underneath. :x

08-22-2008, 09:47 AM
DH = "Darling Husband." Sometimes said with sarcasm, sometimes without.

Ahhh, so I WAS on the right track!

It appears that I spoke too soon re: the rain stopping. Has poured nonstop for, oh, 24 hours here now that the storm has "passed." And the carpet is soaked along the back wall of the house, which means we have water coming in somewhere. I'm assuming from underneath.

Ugh! Sorry to hear that. We're still getting rain from the storm and have standing water all around, but not much in the way of real flooding here. It's the next county over that is dealing with some of that.

Hope northern FL fairs well with the next bout of TS Fay, and hope you don't have any real damage from the water leaking in.