View Full Version : Add another composer to the list

Buy A Paper Doll
08-19-2008, 07:58 PM
The list of composers that Milo and Melody do not like is growing.

I've been working on an exerpt from an opera by Wagner. Learning it is proving to be a battle. Some nights, I win; other nights, not so much. Tonight the score was Wagner - 1, Jennifer - 0. :mad: I gave up for the night when I could hear the birds screaming from the back bedroom where they were supposed to be asleep.

Still, Siegfried's Call is not their most-hated piece. That particular honor goes to the Beethoven sonata. Milo expresses his displeasure by standing on the top of my head, flapping his wings, and screaming while I practice it. :rolleyes:

08-19-2008, 08:47 PM
Lol funny how each lovie likes certain kinds of music, my lovies favorites are anything that plinks like sayter or japanese steel guitar etc

08-19-2008, 09:34 PM
My lovies have no opinion on music yet. The only recorded sounds they respond to are bird sounds I have on some nature recordings I play at home. But Apple loves anything with voice and tries to sing along (especially with me). To digress a bit from the parrot family: my sparrow, Birdie, was an amazing virtuoso! I would sit stunned listening (house sparrows in the wild are not musical at all!) as he would start harmonizing with Rachmaninoff or Gershwin (Concerto in F was a favorite)! Another person in the sparrow group to which I used to belong (yahoo group passerdomesticus) also had a sparrow who reveled in piano and violin practice and composed exotic descants of his own to go with Mozart and Chopin.

Do you sing, Jennifer, or play an external instrument?

--most people aren't given the gift of hearing just what those little brown birds who, according to field guides, have a boring repeated 'cheep' or a staccato alarm call. Birdie

08-19-2008, 11:08 PM
Goof seems to have a preference towards a bit of jazz and certain trans-oceanic chinese tunes. If you sing to him in any particular melody, intently he will perch as close to your face as possible and stare at you as though it were a love song in his favor. Trying to play an instrument with him around is a different story. While I'm no Rubenstein here, the joy of him chasing my hands up and down the keys like a passel of rats is amazing. At least he's quiet about it! Probably because he can't make out the music :rolleyes:. I think he likes the guitar too. Every so often he'll even try pecking at the strings. Really, I don't think him trying to pluck them is such a good idea with the type of metal and dirt involved :x. Besides, he might have me beat on the piano, but I've got him licked on the guitar. I know this because lately he's been biting at the tender parts of my arms to get me to stop playing it. Jealous bird :mad:!......Now that I think about it though, he's been picking at my arms whenever I brush my teeth, type on the computer keyboard, or try reading a book or the newspaper. Nothing really bad at least and I do think there's a twinkle in his eye's when he finally gets my attention....:)......I think maybe its time to start taking a closer look at him....................8o

Buy A Paper Doll
08-20-2008, 05:00 AM
my sparrow, Birdie, was an amazing virtuoso! I would sit stunned listening (house sparrows in the wild are not musical at all!) as he would start harmonizing with Rachmaninoff or Gershwin (Concerto in F was a favorite)! Another person in the sparrow group to which I used to belong (yahoo group passerdomesticus) also had a sparrow who reveled in piano and violin practice and composed exotic descants of his own to go with Mozart and Chopin.

That's awesome!! :D My birds are NOT fans of classical music. Milo will sing along to music, but his musical preference is more along the lines of, "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands." He will chirp-chirp where you're supposed to clap your hands. Not quite on the same level as Birdie was in musical ability.

To answer your question, though, I couldn't sing my way out of a paper bag. I play the french horn. 8o Normally with a bird or two climbing all over me and/or the instrument.

08-20-2008, 06:18 PM
Ditto loves classical music. His current favorite is Bach's Toccata and Fugue played on a pipe organ (very loudly).

He also loves Mozart and Italian opera (Rossini).

Oh and anything played on bagpipes. :omg: