View Full Version : I miss them so much

08-20-2008, 10:51 AM
Its been 5 days since I last saw giggles and bloo and banana. I'm still in Canada and they are in ny with my moms cousins. I miss them terribly like they were my own kids. LOL I can't wait till I see them on Sunday I just hope they are ok

08-20-2008, 10:54 AM
I'm going away for a week in september and dreading it, whilst i trust who i have asked to look after them i still feel something may go wrong! But i know ill miss them like they are my children! Cant wait for a beak nuzzle when i get back!! :D

08-20-2008, 12:26 PM
Its been 5 days since I last saw giggles and bloo and banana. I'm still in Canada and they are in ny with my moms cousins. I miss them terribly like they were my own kids. LOL I can't wait till I see them on Sunday I just hope they are ok

For a minute you scared me to death, Abdul--I thought they'd all flown out the window until I got to the part you were in Canada!

I know how you feel, I am going away in the first week of Sept and have to board out all my birds while I am gone. I usually take Apple with me when I go somewhere but I can't take him into Canada (it will be more effort and $$$ and stress than boarding him!)


I hope they are happy to see you when you get home!

08-20-2008, 02:02 PM
I understand too! I am going away this coming weekend and then again for a week in September and I will miss them lots. :(

08-20-2008, 04:22 PM
I know it's hard to be away from your critters, Abdul! I just planned a weekend away in September (I'll be gone about 54 hours total) and I am DREADING it!

However, it is good to get away from time to time. You're birdies know that you love them and will be happy to have you back home.

Hope that you are enjoyed your trip to Canada,


08-20-2008, 05:36 PM
I was gone for 2 wks in Feb, 1 wk in Mar, and 3 1/2 wks in June & July.
Each time, my babies were so excited to see me!
This last time, Chino had bonded a bit to my brother-in-law, but the next day after I got home, he was back to my baby again.
I was worried they'd be mad, or not remember me, but they did great!