View Full Version : Can anyone identify this bird?

08-20-2008, 10:52 AM
My boyfriend texted me today asking if i wanted another bird, the people he is doing decorating for has a bird that unfortunately said they are just "waiting for him to die". He doesn't have any toys at all but his cage seems like it has been cleaned out recently. We dont know what he is but Andy is going to ask the owner if he can have him (he is a male) where we will probably contact my Lovebird breeder as she rescues a lot of homeless birds along with another lady as i dont like the idea of the poor little chap being kept there, he seems a bit scared of humans. Ive never seen one like this before?

Can anyone help?




08-20-2008, 10:58 AM
You're looking at a male Blue Pacifica Parrotlet. Cute little guy and he ain't cheap!! If you can get him, I would keep him yourself. Parrotlets make adorable pets!

08-20-2008, 11:12 AM
Thank you for telling me what he is, I had a feeling he may have been a Parrotlet. My boyfriend wants to keep him but im worried we dont know enough on the species, think ill get him to do some homework! :D

08-20-2008, 11:49 AM
Best person I know for information on Parrotlets is Sandy Molenda in the U.S. The URL for her website is http://www.parrotletranch.com

08-20-2008, 12:26 PM
Thanks again! :D

08-20-2008, 03:49 PM
Gill - having had both parrotlets and lovebirds, I can tell you that they are not that different to raise. They both need attention, the right food, and a safe, comfortable, big enough cage and environment. They are feisty, energetic birds - and the males are usually a little bit calmer than the females.

Linda is right - they make wonderful pets!! The only thing you need to watch out for is aggression on either your lovebirds or the parrotlets part. I had a friend who had both at the same time, and they got along beautifully. But they will need seperate cages and if they do not get along, will need seperate out of cage time.

I hope the little guy gets out of his bad situation, into a more loving home.

08-20-2008, 07:27 PM
Yes rescue him!

I would worry about disease though. I would recommend some bloodwork during the quarentine period to be safe.

08-21-2008, 01:20 PM
We live in seperate places so he wont be with the lovebirds, only a few weekends, i didnt think of keeping them seperate, thanks for reminding me! He is very scared so Andy wants to try and tame him! :D

08-21-2008, 01:36 PM
Good luck, remember slow and steady wins the race!

08-21-2008, 03:31 PM
Definately, Andy said he had his cage door open all day and he just stayed at the back of the cage which apparently is quite small :(

08-23-2008, 03:19 AM
Well,Andy got him. He said the other day the girl (15) picked up the cage and said "when are you going to die?" which is very sad :'(. He said the mother of the girl said when her kids were upset she used to just buy them pets so he wasnt bought because they really wanted him :(

He is very quiet compared to my lovebirds and very still. Last night we made a bit of progress, after a while he let us put our hand near him where he was biting us, not hard but slowly with his beak open then jabbing real quick! He does this with his food, he jabs at it really quick. He is a very nervous birdie! But we will not give up on him, he has fresh water whereas it wasnt fresh before and he is getting attention now.

Lets see how we get on!


08-23-2008, 07:37 AM
I am so glad you were able to rescue him!

Please keep us posted!

08-23-2008, 08:06 AM
Yeah! I'm so glad that you guys were able to rescue him. Regardless of whether he ever really becomes "tame", life is going to much better for him now. And now when he does eventually die, his passing can mourned instead of rejoiced. (How sad that he resided in a home where everyone was just hoping he would die.) Good for you guys! Keep us updated on his progress.

08-23-2008, 09:53 AM
We bought him two new perches of different textures, a cuttle bone and a mineral block just now. Also a toy for his perch, we didnt want to bombard him with toys but he has now got some mental stimulation. All he had was 4 wooden perches!

He has been brave and came out of the cage twice but it took us ages to get him back in as he is still so scared but at least he got some good flying excercise as the previous owners never got him out! He is now on his wood perch with beads and leather squares arched over him rubbing his neck slowly up and down the leather squares! He has been grinding his beak too which is a good sign! He is so cute! :D

08-23-2008, 09:55 AM
P.s we have renamed him Squeaky because he makes cute tiny squeaks all the time!

08-23-2008, 02:10 PM
So glad that you have him now. I really despair at the attitudes of some people these days. He'll be so much better cared for with you. He'll think he has died and gone to birdy Heaven.:happy: :happy: :happy:

My thoughts exactly, humans can be such a cruel species, but well thank god there are still soem of us who actually care about the other animals who we share this planet with, well sone you guys for rescuing Squeaky at least he will be able to live out the rest of his longlife happy and inthe care of those who love him.

08-23-2008, 06:13 PM
Love to read rescue stories like these. Good for Squeaky! And thanks for opening up your home to him. Those I know who have these little ones love having them as pets. I wouldn't be surprised if Squeaky doesn't start to improve real soon with the love and care you are giving him.

08-23-2008, 07:14 PM
Good for you - you did a wonderful thing by giving him a new home. Give him some time and patience - he just came from a neglectful home, so he must be frightened. Hopefully with time and love, he will respond to you. :)

08-23-2008, 09:13 PM
Gill. I just now read about your new companion "Squeaky". How wonderful to hear of such a special parrot receiving a second chance with a family who really cares about him as it sounds like this was something that was truly meant to be. Honestly, its hard to believe some poeple fail to recognize we have so little time or maybe even one small chance to be the caretaker of such beautiful creatures. Good to hear you have taken both the responsibilty and the opportunity to invite Squeaky into your home.................:)

08-23-2008, 10:35 PM
Thank you for rescuing Squeaky! :hug: In reading this I couldn't help but feel sad and angry that these people would treat this bird or any animal for that matter like this! And they're teaching their children that it's ok to do this also! It just burns me up! >:

08-24-2008, 01:56 PM
I am so glad you were able to rescue Squeaky (love the name, by the way! :D ) He sure looks sweet and he's sure lucky to go to his new home with you. I felt so sad to hear how he was living! Have fun with your new birdie and enjoy getting to know him.

08-24-2008, 04:13 PM
Thanks for all the messages! He is come on so well since Friday (its sunday night now) he is actually flying round the room now. He is still very scared of us but not so desperate to run to the other side of the cage so much when we go near him, every so often he'll take a black sunflower seed out of Andys hand which he takes a while to pluck up the courage! He has been brave enough to try millet yesterday and LOVED it! And he is trying pellets too as he seems to be addicted to only seeds so we're trying to vary his diet a bit more. He is so so cute! :D