View Full Version : A friend for haku?

08-24-2008, 10:38 AM
My poor little Haku-birdey is trying his best to court Evie. I have kept my birds single, and I've never had a pair of the same for fear of fighting and that kind of thing. I'm wondering now if Haku should have a friend? Caged separately of course, and allowed a bit of play time.

In short, I'm wondering if I should get another lovie. I've always wanted to, but it's only now that I am able to afford to take care of one that I'm seriously contemplating it. I'm going to give myself a month or so to think about it. What do you all think?

08-24-2008, 12:13 PM
I have been tormenting myself with this same thing.

Wait for an answer from a more experienced person on here, but I bet they will say that you should sex your bird first to find the most suitable friend for him/her. (unless you already know of course)

08-25-2008, 11:10 AM
Yesterday I held Evie up to Haku and he started to regurgitate and dance and click. Evie was very confused, and kept looking at him like she couldn't understand what on earth he was doing. Poor little Haku... he wants a friend so badly!

08-25-2008, 11:17 AM
How old is Haku?

08-25-2008, 01:05 PM
I always say YES to this type of questions, but of course, it's you who must make the decision. You're a really good and caring fidmom so I for one have no doubts about your ability to take care of another birdie :). If I had any surplus hens, I would also send one over to you in a heartbeat. Haku is nothing if not cute :).

I know though that taking on another bird is always a big responsibility and should not be taken lightly and then, there's always that pesky little problem of there not being any certainty to Haku accepting another lovie. All in all, from my own experience, while lovies might not always get along with each other, they always appreciate companionship of their own kind, if only to have another one to scream at and scold :).

Good luck with your decision!

08-25-2008, 06:04 PM
Sunshine is the best thing i could have done for boo but like people everybirdie is different but if you got the room for two cages incase they dont get along in the same cage i say go for it.

08-26-2008, 01:14 PM
I am really seriously considering getting another lovie and a separate cage. As Gloria is saying, even if just someone to chatter with and yell at, I think it would do him a world of good. I'll be absolutely sure to let you all know how it plays out when i do decide, I can't say that I'm not excited about having another lovely little masked birdie in the house...:)

09-03-2008, 07:10 PM
Ok, so I've made my decision. I am not going to get Haku a companion :(...
I believe Haku may be nippy or possessive to another bird, because he has grown accustomed to being alone for so long. He is also QUITE a biter, is extremely cage and toy- aggressive. He is my sweet boy and I am sad that he is lonely, but I don't think the risk is quite worth it in this situation. I don't want to create any imbalance in my home circle of pets, as they come foremost. My strategy is though, to make sure his diet is varying and interesting, and to make sure he has lots of toys and interaction so that he does'nt get depressed or irritable. What do you think?

09-03-2008, 11:49 PM
I am not expert what so ever. I am only new to the lovebird world. But I thought the same as you, when I got my elmo.. and I still think it.. because he hasnt bonded with me very much.. it was very cruel of me to have him by himself.. but then I sat and watched him for a bit.. and he has about ten million toys.. he just seems happy to play by himself. He makes his own games, he plays soccer with a bead. I take him for walks around my house on the shoulder and he seems fine with that. (the only time he really clings to me.. lol)

I think as long as you give him lots of company, it doesn't matter.
You also gotta think is. if you get another bird... and they have babies..

If your haku gets along with your other birds, why not get all of them to have supervised playtime with one another? He has company with them.. and if he does try to court your other birdy. at least you know there wont be any babies.