View Full Version : Velcro issues

08-25-2008, 04:22 PM
Beezle lately has been seen clinging to the side of the cage peering out with his little eyeball and copying noises we make a lot more recently.. instead of playing with toys. He's seemed to turn into a real attention hog! I know he's just itching to fly on top of my head right now.. which I'm trying to figure out how to correct?

He doesn't seem very cuddly, he just wants to talk I guess? He wants to get as close to my face as possible and just chirp at me while I make noises back. I think he could do this for many hours on end if I let him. Am I considered a cheater if I use earplugs?

I'm afraid of what wing clip might do to his confidence as well. I might be worried about it to much, but he really has an aversion to being bird handled...

08-26-2008, 07:52 AM
Eddie's wing clip was the best attitude adjustment.

I recommend it highly. I no longer worry about him flying into a ceiling fan either.

It really makes him want to spend more time with his "humans".

I just posted a little photo story on his wing clip in the photo stories section. Check it out...

08-26-2008, 12:08 PM
no you arent cheating with ear plugs. sometimes I think they should come with the lovebirds ;)..

i have been seriously considering getting some.. as i think i will lose my hearing from elmo's "chirping"

08-26-2008, 01:51 PM
Someone asked me if they could train their lovebird to not chirp when it is on their shoulder... Wouldn't that be nice to be able to avoid the ear splitting messages right into the ear--their personal little megaphone?

None of our birds are what I would call snuggly. They don't enjoy being "bird handled", but they sure do love to be on a shoulder or on the playgym close to the action.

I found I had to adjust my expectations and let them be birds. They were so snuggly when they were babies and I definitely missed that stage when it was over.

I also agree with Laura on the wing clip. When our birds start getting too big for their britches I get out the scissors.

I've heard some people say that leaving a radio or TV on helps with their single birds so they have company when they are gone or busy. We solved this problem by getting more birds to keep them company but I know this isn't the right solution for everyone.

Maybe you could wear the earplugs and leave the radio on for Beezle!