View Full Version : Please pray for Gemini

08-27-2008, 10:29 AM
This morning I got up and spoke to her as usual. I went in to take my shower, blew my hair dry and went off to make some Caribbean crunch for all the birdies.

As I walked past her cage again, I noticed she was hanging upside down and had a thread from a toy wrapped around her leg! I reached in and took her and the toy down for I did not want to hank on it for fear it may do more damage. Apparently she had chewed the attachment to her happyhut until it frayed (had to have been last night, for I am a stickler on watching out for this thanks to this board) and had twirled on it until it became taught around her leg. Her leg was swollen and BEET colored. I managed to trim the majority of it off, but could not get the last little bit under her band. I called the vet right away and off we went. He was able to get the piece of frayed thread off her, but it had caused a laceration and caused her leg and foot to be very weak. She is barely able to use it at all.

She was given an antibiotic, an anti-inflamatory and vitamins for the stress. He thinks she will have full use of her leg once the inflamation goes down, but won't know for a couple of days. He said that given just a while longer, her leg would not have been able to be saved. This scared the holy heck right out of me! Just goes to show you just how fast and easy something like this can happen. I bought the happy hut hand made without the fuzzy stuff because of the chance of getting her nails caught in it. She got caught on the outside part of it. NO MORE HAPPY HUTS for ANY OF THEM! They love them, but I LOVE my birds MORE!

Please say a prayer for her. I am confident in my vet and I think she will make a good recovery. I sure pray she does.

Thanks to all in advance!!!

08-27-2008, 11:08 AM
Prayers and good vibes are headed your way from Florida! I hate Happy Huts for this same reason!

As for my birds, there have been times when I wish I were twins so could keep tabs on everyone!

08-27-2008, 11:35 AM
Oh, poor baby and poor you! Sending lots of healing and soothing thoughts. :hug:

08-27-2008, 11:57 AM
Thoughts & prayers from GA for a fast recovery :hug:

08-27-2008, 12:22 PM
Here's hoping Gemini has a speedy recovery!

I once bought one of those "snuggle huts" and those nylon strings that tied it to the cage made me really nervous! So I left it in there for a day and I was so paranoid that I took it out the next.

Cherry doesn't like happy huts, she seems to like sitting in her Cal-Sea-Yum circle swing at night and sleeping. I think she feels secure inside the circle.

But I do make a safe playtoy for her that you might think about using for your Gemini! I take old boxes (1 lb Pasta, 12-count Pop-Tart...that kind) and I cut a door and two windows and put some soft white paper towels inside. I only leave it in the cage for an hour or so -- this way she thinks it is a playhouse, and she can chew it all she wants!

08-27-2008, 12:34 PM
Here's hoping Gemini has a speedy recovery!

I once bought one of those "snuggle huts" and those nylon strings that tied it to the cage made me really nervous! So I left it in there for a day and I was so paranoid that I took it out the next.

Cherry doesn't like happy huts, she seems to like sitting in her Cal-Sea-Yum circle swing at night and sleeping. I think she feels secure inside the circle.

But I do make a safe playtoy for her that you might think about using for your Gemini! I take old boxes (1 lb Pasta, 12-count Pop-Tart...that kind) and I cut a door and two windows and put some soft white paper towels inside. I only leave it in the cage for an hour or so -- this way she thinks it is a playhouse, and she can chew it all she wants!

First of all, I watned to thank you all for your concerns and well wishes! I have her in a hospital brooder. She does not like it, but she will have to. Not being able to use her foot properly, I don't want her to try and climb.

And I love your playhouse idea, NickeyBeth! I will certainly do this when she heals. She just loved that darned happy hut. I am so glad that you were paranoid and removed yours! I did not have the stretchy kind of fastener on hers, but a rope type. Seems that was not the answer either. The only answer that I have is not give them one at all. Again, so glad that you did remove your!

Thanks again all! It is so nice to be able to come here where you all understand. :grouphug:

08-27-2008, 01:55 PM
Will be praying for a speedy recovery for poor Gemini. Another idea that Jackie led me to is to give mine a half a parchment Chube made for hamsters etc which I tie to the cage roof with a leather strip. Mine love to sleep in them. Gabby loves hers and she has a cozy hut inside hers lining it so it doesn't need the hanging bits. Its on the floor of the cag but she has a disabled foot so its better there for her.

You guys are worth your weight in gold! What GREAT ideas! I have never, in my life, heard of a chube. Well, I looked it up to get a visual and it is a fantastic idea! Thank you all so much! Anyone else? Keep the ideas coming because they are GREAT!

Heather, do you know the dimensions of your chube? (That word makes me laugh)

08-27-2008, 02:09 PM
poor gemini - I will certainly be sending you both onoy positive thoughts that she heals quickly! :hug:

08-27-2008, 04:09 PM
Prayers your special Gemini has a very quick recovery. Scritchies and beak rubs for her!

08-27-2008, 04:15 PM
Oh... poor Gemini! I'm so glad to hear that she is on the mend :)

So sorry this happened... but so glad that you got there in time!

08-27-2008, 04:42 PM
Prayers for gemini from our flock to yours.

08-27-2008, 05:21 PM
Prayers that Gemini recovers quickly! Thank goodness you were able to get her to the vet so quickly!

08-27-2008, 06:38 PM
Wishing Gemini a quick recovery! It's scary how quickly these things can happen. On two different occasions I had my tiel get her wing stuck in the bars all the way up to her body. I would hear her screaming and find her hanging by her wing. I have cringed to think what would have happened to her if this had happened when I wasn't around...

08-28-2008, 09:24 AM
The poor baby!

Thank goodness you found her!

08-28-2008, 06:19 PM
Well, her foot still has swelling in it. I have to call the vet tomorrow and let him know how she is. She is allowing me to give her scritches and love (which is SO out of character for her lately! LOL). I am still giving her her antibiotics and hoping that she will get much better soon. She still does not have even half the use of her foot and that scares me, but the vet seemed pretty optimistic that she will, so I have to give it some time.

I just want to thank you all again, so very much for the prayers and thoughts for her. It just means so much to me!!!!!!!!!

Hugs to everyone!!!!!

08-28-2008, 06:31 PM
Glad she is mending. Enjoy the scritching while it lasts,,,,

08-28-2008, 06:39 PM
Well, at least your update is contrary to how her condition might be without timely intervention. Hopefully once the meds kick in improvements will be soon to follow. Despite your being worried, the best you can do is exactly how you've been managing her all along. With that, put on the best positive attitude you can as I believe the psychological strength helps reinforce the treatment plan. This, from someone who generally worries about pets enough to make up for three poeple.................:rolleyes:

kk and tango
08-28-2008, 09:52 PM
Hope she will be ok. Good for you for checking on her and being able to get to her in time! I'm always checking but sometimes, it is good to be paranoid and no matter how careful you are they can certainly get themselves into some situations.

08-29-2008, 12:37 AM
Hugs and prayers to you and Gemini! Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery. :grouphug1


08-29-2008, 11:10 AM
UPDATE!!! Gemini is doing so well! She has 75% usage of her foot today. I let her go to her cage for the first time since her accident. The swelling is almost gone and she is playing all over the place. Will keep an eye on her and will make sure that she does not do too much.


08-29-2008, 12:33 PM
Wonderful news! It's so hard when one of our pets is sick or hurt and cant communicate. Glad she's feeling better :)

08-29-2008, 02:32 PM
i'm so glad that she is on the mend, and using her foot again!! :) that's great news!! :clap

08-29-2008, 08:41 PM
I am so glad she is getting better! What a relief. :)

08-29-2008, 08:53 PM
Yay! glad to hear all is well trust me i know how nerve racking they can be there is a reason sushines middle name is colombus!!!