View Full Version : back from vacation

Pips mom
08-30-2008, 01:34 PM
Well, I just got back from being away for five days, and we had to take Pip and the tiels over to my family just over an hour away over in NY. We decided to drive them over there the night before we left, even though it was kinda on the way to where we were going......bad idea! here is a tip to anyone transporting a bird.....do it during the day, earlier the better when they are well rested and tend to be happier. I could tell that Pip was freaking out over the ride over there and I felt horrible......the tiels did great, but Pip was not liking any of it!! I hated it when we got there and I had to leave him :( He was in a home with two quakers.....one is a new baby my sister got about a month and half ago, and of course Pip was interested in meeting these guys once he adjusted to where he was. I think after he had a nights sleep he was much better than when we brought him over. I had forgotten to bring his water dish and bottle of water and apple cider vinegar, so when we left the next morning to go away, we swung by there and dropped it off for him......We couldn't go in though because the doors were all locked and nobody was home.....I stood outside the window to where I knew Pip was and we called to him and I could hear him chirp.....it sounded like a happy chirp and that made me feel a little better! Pip did great on the ride back home....I think he was really happy to see us! and really, really happy to be back home!! He was chirping away and making happy sounds on the car ride back home as if he knew! His re-check at the vet is on Wed. and this morning when I got up, for the first time, I noticed the wet nose thing again.....just on one side, one nare was wet......geez! I hope the stress of bringing him to my sister's and being away hasn't had any bad effects on him. I guess I will find out on Wed. I think next time we go away I am going to leave Pip with someone close by. I thought he would do good because he has always seemed to love the car ride when we go the the vet, but I think transporting him as it was getting dark out may have had something to do with it. He was probably tired and not in the mood.
Anyway, we all back to normal now and home and all is well.....now I just hope that his vet appt. test shows his bacteria levels are normal. I left him with his bottled water and apple cider vinegar and water gets changed twice daily, cage was cleaned thoroughly, all toys and perches, twice during the time he was on meds and then again when we was done with them....he even bit me twice while I was cleaning it the last time! little monster! I take him with me when I do it so he can have a little splash of water and be outside with me for a while, but while I was moving around and taking out toys, I guess he didn't like that because he bit me!
Will update when Pip goes to the vet Wed. I am really hoping that he doesn't have to go through meds again! He hates them! as always...he seems just fine, happy, everything normal, but when I saw that wet nose again, all I can think is ohhhh nooooo! but hey it was only HALF a wet nose! so I'm still hoping!

09-02-2008, 06:17 PM
I hope that you were able to enjoy your vacation... and I hope that Pip is recovering nicely :)