View Full Version : Going on vacation ... miss my birdies already!

09-06-2008, 01:49 PM
My husband and I are going away for a 1 week vacation tonight to Banff, Alberta, Canada. My husband has always wanted to go there to see the beautiful Canadian Rocky Mountains so we are taking the trip to celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary.

I brought my birdies over to Cory's today (she does avian boarding as a business and she is Ducky's previous fidma and a member of this community.) I know they will have a great time playing with all of the other birds, playgyms and Cory! But it is so quiet at my house right now. :( It seems weird not to hear their little chirps. It was amazing how much stuff I packed up to bring with them - 2 cages, toys, some food, cage covers etc. All for two little birds! My husband said that it felt like we were taking our kids to daycare. :rofl: I feel like we were. I miss them already. I feel better knowing that they are in excellent hands though.

I just wanted to share with you guys because I know you know how I feel. :)

Pips mom
09-06-2008, 07:05 PM
I know how you feel......I just got back from vacation! It was so funny reading about how much stuff you had for them......My pionus Ivy stayed next door and I brought so much stuff over there for her that I'm sure they were thinking.....how much stuff does she have for this one bird??? Then just when I thought I brought everything, back over again with the blanket I cover her cage with at night! Pip and my tiels stayed with my family about an hour away......all birdies did good with us being away except for Pip......he was having kind of a hard time with it, mostly the trip over there. He did ok, but I could tell that he was the happiest to see us again and I know it affected him more than the others.....he didn't even hump his favorite rope toy while he was away! :omg: AND for a few days after coming home either! Poor little monster was the most affected and I felt bad because he was just over a bacterial infection and I was worried that the stress might not be good for him. Oh, and you shoulda seen my car with the Pip and the tiels and cages and stuff.....packed full, I barely could fit everything into my car, two cages, one travel cage and all the extras and birdies........know just how you feel!!!!

09-07-2008, 10:41 AM
Thanks for sharing your feelings with all of us. I too will be leaving next Sept for a two week stay in Colorado for our daughters wedding and am seriously in a catch 22 between bringing Goof along or boarding him at my avian vets facilty. At the vets I know he would receive great care within a clean healthy environment. Really, even though he has no problem traveling the risks involved in it may far outweigh any wanton advantages, therefore its likely I will board him....... Its good to hear that you have not only taken the proper steps to provide good care for Pip while your gone, but are lucky enough to have such a good option to choose from. This certainly gives much needed piece of mind...............:)

09-07-2008, 02:17 PM
lol- I've had to leave 3 times this year for weeks at a time. The first two times, I left them home.
This last time, I brought them to my BIL's. Now, you've got to understand- he has 9 birds (8 at the time), so he already has everything a bird could want.
I have a minivan, and STILL had to remove one of the seats in order to get everything in!!! :rofl:
2 big cages, food- their seed mix plus all the additives like pellets, egg food, dried greens and veggies, nutriberries (3 varieties), egg biscuits, birdie grass, treats, extra toys, extra perches, extra cups.
I had to use one of those great big rubbermaid containers.
Luckily, he provided the fresh foods.
I guess I'm kind of obsessive when it comes to my birds, what do you think???

09-07-2008, 02:19 PM
Oh- and I'm sure you'll get an amazing reception when you return. :)
Jack was clicking and "mewing" at the same time.
It was too cute.

09-07-2008, 05:40 PM
I guess I'm kind of obsessive when it comes to my birds, what do you think???

Do you know any lovie ma/pa who isn't? They absolutely demand that we become OCD about them! :)