View Full Version : What's the deal...?

09-06-2008, 02:54 PM
Ok- a few weeks ago, I saw an ad for sun conure babies on CL. I told my BIL, and we went to get one for him.
First of all- this breeder is willing to sell unweaned babies to just anyone :( so I felt good about rescuing one and knowing at least one would be raised properly.
I spoke on the phone to her several times and when we got there, she seemed very nice and babies looked great. No worries, right?
Well- last night on another forum, there was a woman introducing herself, saying she had a new baby sun and she lives in Oregon. She says she got him from a "shady" breeder. :confused: I wrote to ask her where she got it, and it's the same woman!
So now I'm getting worried...
I wrote her back and asked her for specifics, and she said she'd write more later, but "I could tell you lots of things and get the bird to the vet"! Then she gets off line!!!! Leaving me to wonder what the heck happened.
See, Greg has 8 other birds, and I need to know the info this woman has. The day we picked up the baby, I drove. When we came back to get his car, Greg put his hand in one of my cages for a second to say goodbye to Jack. Jack had just jumped on Greg when I said "AH- did you wash your hands?" NOPE- he wasn't thinking >:
I'm so frustrated! I would think this person would be more forthcoming about her experience since she knows there could be a problem.
Now Jack and Chino could possibly be sick, and I know the new sun, Tanner, is quarantined so hopefully Greg is being VERY strict about it, or his 8 birds could be sick, too!
Sorry for my rant :confused::(:very_sad:

09-06-2008, 05:40 PM

I can imagine how worried you are. I think I would call the breeder you got the Sun from and tell her what happened, and see if she will give you any info. I don't know if she would be up front or not with you, and to be on the safe side you can schedule in Jack for a check up for peace of mind.

I do hope all is well. I can't imagine someone having info that would be pertinent to your birds well being,and not sharing what they know. Seems kind of strange. I wonder if this person took an unweaned baby, and just did not know how to care for it? Another possibility?

09-06-2008, 06:08 PM
Bummer! I'd be frantic at this point but I always imagine the worst case scenario. :( Probably that brief exchange didn't do any harm. Let's just hope the lady who wouldn't be specific with you has a grudge against the breeder & is just trying to make trouble. Keep us posted. And we'll keep you in our thoughts.

09-06-2008, 06:12 PM
Thanks, Lori and for the good thoughts bubblelady.
I know her baby is ok now, because before this discussion, she had posted about her happy, healthy little sun baby. She's had it for a bit, and it's been vetted, so I don't know if it truly had an illness or what it was.
It's too bad, too, because although I feel it's very irresponsible to sell unweaned babies with no training or prior experience, she charges about 1/3 the price of weaned babies in a store.
She has several species, and I would've gotten one from her for sure.
I'm kind of on the fence- on one hand, I don't want to support a bad breeder. But on the other hand, she IS going to breed them, and SOMEONE will buy them. Isn't it better to rescue one than let someone who may not know what they're getting into take one home?
I wish I knew the whole story...