View Full Version : Charlie laid eggs!

09-10-2008, 10:58 PM
I have had Charlie 3 years now, and until yesterday have been unsure of her sex, slightly leaning towards 'boy' due to the lack of eggs.
Well that is no longer so!
whilst cleaning her cage yesterday I found two beautiful little white eggs in the grate!
her cage is one that prevents the bird from getting to the paper at the bottom (particularly good for lovies with paper chewing obsessions) by a grate with thin rods spaced every half to full cm, makign it easy i have discovered for eggs to fall through.
charlie enjoys munching paper and hiding in it, so she often has some placed at the bottom of the cage, which had until yesterday prevented us from noticing the eggs.
She doesnt seem to have any interest in them, possibly because they fell out of her reach as soon as laid.

However, i have a few questions, starting with, what the heck?! why has she started now?
also, now that she is laying, what do i do? will she stop or will continue replacing eggs? do i need to feed her something special to harden the shells? are there ways to prevent her from wanting to lay?

09-10-2008, 11:52 PM
oh my!

I'm not sure of Sunnybird's sex either...i'm leaning toward hen at the moment, but i have no idea really. This is a first for me as I'm usually absolutely sure one way or the other. I tell my husband until we get an eggie, I will have no confidence either way. LOL

My mom's hen has laid a max of 2 eggs a couple times... no suggestions except moving toys around & avoiding paper as much as possible!

luck to you!

09-11-2008, 03:05 AM
I think if there is no boy bird there the eggs wont be fertile so its best to just get rid of them as if she does make a nest and sit on them she will become territorial of her nest and sit on them for ages waiting for them to hatch and they wont.

09-13-2008, 12:07 AM
Well sometimes they lay non-stop and their is nothing you really can do about it, but make sure she gets plenty of calcium...:whistle:..My two Colbalt blues in the house keep wanting to nest but I think they are the same sex....I just can't get the sexing down so I might just have to DNA them to know who is who..

09-13-2008, 02:18 AM
oh yah... if she does lay, let her sit on them for awhile. if you take the eggs away too soon, she may keep laying so as to "finish" the clutch.

So let her lay, get broodie over them for a bit & once she figures out they won't hatch, she'll abandon the eggies and you can take em away.