View Full Version : In harms way???

09-12-2008, 07:34 PM
Do we have any members in Texas, possibly is harm's way? I'm sending posative thoughts to anyone, and their birdies, who are evacuating/hunkering down, & hoping everyone will stay safe and dry. Hugs!

09-12-2008, 09:03 PM

09-13-2008, 03:46 AM
My thoughts and prayers are going out for all of those who will be affected by Hurricane Ike. Having lived through numerous storms, although none of this magnitude, I know it's a terrifying time for them. When the potential exists to lose everything, your life and staying safe becomes the most important goal.

09-13-2008, 06:32 AM
My sister and her family live in Houston, spoken to them yesterday and they were ok, but cant seem to get through to them this morning, mobiles not working, hoping they have just not turned them on, anyway, left them a voicemail to call. Its hard not knowing as we live in the UK

09-13-2008, 11:39 AM
but cant seem to get through to them this morning, mobiles not working,

The power is out in Houston so if their battery ran down, they won't be able to recharge. I know my mobile has a terrible battery life--if I use the phone more than 20 or 30 minutes, I have to recharge. And if I had gone through that storm, I probably would have been on the phone talking to distract me from being scared! I'm sure they are alright. I have been listening to the news non-stop (have a brother--for whom my new fid is named--about 50 miles from Houston) and have heard of no serious injuries in Houston. I spoke to my brother this morning--he evacuated Wed. night--and his major complaint was boredom. The electricity went out in his motel so no TV or computer! I entertained him for a while by letting him listen (from my TV) to reports about his town--which escaped major damage--and by telling him "Gus" stories. Gus is my new fid & I don't need much of an excuse to talk about him :happy: Anyway, let us know when you hear from your family.

09-13-2008, 01:54 PM
Thank you for that update from the news, we dont get that much detailed info here apart from a brief overview. Anyway i am sure you are right shes prolly been on the phone chatting and let the battery run dry, lol. Will keep you updated.

09-14-2008, 04:21 PM
Heard from my sis to say she and her family are fine, the power went down as you said Bubblelady, so she was saving her battery power on her phone in case she needed it for an emergency.