View Full Version : Velcro & loving it!

09-13-2008, 02:30 AM
Sunnybird has completed the transaction to designated house velcro bird! :clap She loves being out of her cage & with us and on us all the time! She steps up very nicely & no longer runs away from hands.

She LOVES having her head skritched & must always have a chew toy nearby otherwise fingers & fingernails are a target! She never bites, just nibbles. She'll go to my husband & especially likes his moustache.

She doesn't mind at all being handled & loves tummy kisses & cheek cuddles. She knows when she's going to be put back into her cage & tries make her self "heavy" or clings to onto a finger. She paces when she's stuck in her cage & always looks sooo happy when we make a move to let her out again. It's like all her nervous energy just disappears as soon as she can chill out on a finger or shoulder.

I'm so happy! It took her a little longer than expected to mellow out, but I'm so glad that she did. My husband says that Maka must've come back to help her figure out that she would be loved with us. As she does have a couple of the same mannerisms that I've never seen in my other lovies, a part of me thinks he might be right.

09-13-2008, 04:28 AM
oh i'm so jealous but in a good way. its fantastic that your lovie has decided to attach herself to you!.

Buy A Paper Doll
09-13-2008, 08:25 AM
Yay! It was worth the wait, wasn't it? :)

09-13-2008, 09:09 AM
Yeah - that's when your heart just melts, doesn't it?!! When they finally bond to you, it's wonderful!! :happy:

09-13-2008, 09:40 AM
Congrats on the bonding....I have Nugget One and Nugget Two and those 2 sillies are just all over me(and my computer) and I love it..They are such sweet birds our lovies..Enjoy the love..:whistle: