View Full Version : Buddy meets Wing (pionus)

09-13-2008, 05:20 PM
Went to the vet today to get Buddy's prescription refilled & there was a lovely pionus boarding there. Buddy & Wing had a long and animated conversation! Buddy always answers other birdies, but usually just 3 or 4 "conversational turns". And, as she has gotten older, she isn't nearly as loud. I haven't heard her this loud or enthusiastic in months. Considering Pip's love affair with Ivy, I wonder if there is an especial affinity between lovies & pionus:confused:

09-13-2008, 05:50 PM
Something about Wing really caught Buddy's attention, didn't it! Birdie friendships can form at any time and with any birdie. You just never know.

Pips mom
09-13-2008, 09:51 PM
Awwww, isn't it cute when you can tell that really like another birdie. I think with Pip that he is the personality type that would probably just love most any bird I brought into the house......just how he is....like he wants a friend. Humans are ok, but they have hands! so animals are preferable. Pip also seems to love dogs.....he takes a huge interest when he sees one, and he absolutely loved the big black lab we used to have, and also loved the dogs at his previous home, so I think Pip is just a very social bird, and I think with Ivy he sees that she likes him too and that what's really fuels the interest in her!