View Full Version : Anyone know what this is?

09-14-2008, 10:43 AM
Anyone know what kind of bird this is? How long do they live?


09-14-2008, 10:54 AM
thinks its a Senagal. Senegal Parrots live an average of approximately 25-30 years in the wild, and have been known to live for 50 years in captivity.

09-14-2008, 10:59 AM
Anyone know about their personality? I am sure they vary like a lovebird, but any generalizations?

09-14-2008, 04:12 PM
The breeder i bought my lovebirds from had one, she said he is definately the bird to get if you want an affectionate bird, she loves him to bits!

09-14-2008, 10:22 PM
Senagals are in the poicephelus family, which includes senagals, brown headed parrots, red belly parrots and meyer's parrots......I have two meyer's parrots whose personalities are exactly opposite. One makes the greatest pet parrot you can have. He's affectionate, quiet, playful, never bites humans, and would stay on your shoulder all day and night if you let him. The only problem is that he becomes homocidal when it comes to the lovebirdies and literally stalks them to kill them, which my vet says is indicative of the species. My other meyer's is bitey, afraid, loud, and destroys the house. However, he doesn't at all bother with the other birds and our smallest most frail parakeet loves sleeping three inches from him and he doesn't at all mind. So I guess with any bird, it all depends on the individual bird and their personality. I will say their eyes are little weird when they pin. They also have one HARD beak and can do as much damage as a much larger parrot:omg:.

09-15-2008, 06:09 AM
Like Laura said, the personalities vary between birds. The bird I want at work is a senegal. I've named him Guido. He is sweet as pie. I absolutely love him. He is very affectionate. He loves when his beak is rubbed. He also LOVES to play. He plays "catch the fingers" and "tickle". When I tickle him, he says, "tickle, tickle, tickle" which sounds like a giggle. He has giggled a few times as well. LOL. He loves playing upside down, so his feathers are normally messed up.

As far as his vocabulary goes, he says "step up", "hello", "Hi!", "tickle, tickle" and is trying to say "Guido weedo weedo" but ends up just saying "wwwweeeeed". LOL. He is very soft spoken and not very loud. Senegals do make a high pitched chirp. He also chirps like a cockatiel, especially when he's sleeping. He will squawk like a macaw, but only because he is near one. It's much much much quieter. LOL. He is great at whistling. He will finish the Andy Griffith song a lot when someone whistles it. And he whistles songs in his sleep.

Senegals are also easily scared. He is petrified of my camera and my cell phone. I take him out on my lunch and try to get him used to everyday things.

He does okay with other birds. He isn't (obviously) allowed to be in the same direct area as other birds. He is housed in the same cubicle as green cheek conure and they play through the glass. They will yell and bicker at each other. Sometimes, they try to bite at each other.

He is constantly trying to feed me, other people and some birds (he absolutely adores our female eclectus, whistles pretty for her and talks to her). He will often try to stick his beak in my mouth or on my nose to regurgitate. He likes to impress me by doing his mating dance. He has not yet tried to hump me. LOL. I don't know if senegals are as sexually driven as lovebirds, but he will do his dance at least once a day.

He is very messy. He likes to make soup, but will actually eat the food he puts in his water bowl (unlike Fenway, who will throw a bunch of food in the water and then leave it). He ALWAYS plays with his food. He will throw it and swoosh food around in his bowl. He only poops in one place in his cage (he actually came to us doing this). He has only pooped once outside of the cage with me. I had initially wanted to start potty training him, but because he doesn't poop while he's out with me, I can't teach him a command.

Like Laura said, the beak his hard and sharp. He's only bitten me to hurt a couple of times. He can do some major damage, however. He will nibble on my fingers a lot, but mainly to get me to play.

They are definitely sweet, fun loving birds.

Pips mom
09-15-2008, 09:58 AM
Laura, my next door neighbor where Ivy stayed while we were away, they have a senegal....... I have been amazed by this bird since first saw him! His name is George......cute as can be! Oh, I'd have one in a second if I had room for more birds. He is just the funniest thing.....very friendly and as far being scared goes.....I think it might be more of a personality trait than typical of senegals......the senegal next door doesn't seem scared of anything, and she brought him over here and he got right on me and didn't want to get off! Oh, and they put one of those little gift bags in the bottom of his cage......he will go in there and then if you go over to him and peek inside, he comes running out fast......SO cute! very playful and active, little clowns. He is a little bit nippy, but he doesn't hurt and I think senegals are great little birds! I just love the one next door! Love his personality and he seems like great fun!