View Full Version : My lovebird is a bigot!!!!

09-16-2008, 06:46 PM
I have come to find that sunshine is a bigot he only will be nice and socialize nicely with other lovebirds, If your non agressive like pohaku my cockatiel he will chase you around give a couple foot bites and basicly just be an (_T_) !
If your big or hold your own like the sun conures he will take your treat or toy just to get you to come chase him then fly off laughing!
Any other lovebird male or female he will share stuff and be nice.
My lovebird is prejudiced!
My hen boo hates everyone equally lol

09-16-2008, 09:19 PM
LOL. I cant believe your lovie takes on a sun conure.. I saw a baby conure and they are massive compared to lovies. Hes got balls! I think if he was a human he would be one of those extreme sports people haha.

Your hens are birdist... they just hate everyone ;) ahaha.

09-16-2008, 09:55 PM
my lovie doesn't know any better about anything.... someone was squealing a balloon down the street & my lovie was trying to keepthe conversation going.....

09-16-2008, 10:37 PM
someone was squealing a balloon down the street & my lovie was trying to keepthe conversation going.....

hahaha my love is the same.. theres one certain pitch that a whistle or a scream or anything high pitch makes.. and he will call out and call out to it over and over..

09-17-2008, 01:12 AM
Pal, our gcc, calls every time we open the front door. Bea, our lovie, calls every time we open the microwave door. They both call whenever I open the door to the garage! Either I need to put some wd40 in the door hinges or just start calling back! It's very cute regardless! :rofl:

Pips mom
09-17-2008, 03:50 AM
LOL. I cant believe your lovie takes on a sun conure.. I saw a baby conure and they are massive compared to lovies. Hes got balls!

You think he's got balls......Pip will run right up to Ivy and snatch a toy right out of her beak! Ivy is a blueheaded pionus, and although she gets annoyed with him sometimes, most times she just tries to get away from him, then she will just sit and stare at him like.......what is wrong with that bird??:omg:

09-17-2008, 07:35 AM
LOL are you sure Ivy is not sitting staring at him going.. "I know I can take you.. but itd look bad because you are soo tiny.. itd make me look bad infront of the human."

09-17-2008, 08:02 AM
Kiwi, all 47 grams of him, will march up to my 85 pound dog and try to nip at his nose!! :omg: Or else, he flies at him, swooping in, dive bombing his head. Lovies may be small, but they think they are HUGE!!!!!! :rofl:

09-17-2008, 08:20 AM
Wilkiecoco you should film that. Funniest Home Videos!

I knew that lovies think theyre invincible.. but sometimes I think it goes to the level of insanity.. like those extreme sports people! hahaha.

Pips mom
09-17-2008, 08:55 AM
LOL are you sure Ivy is not sitting staring at him going.. "I know I can take you.. but itd look bad because you are soo tiny.. itd make me look bad infront of the human."

Nooo, Ivy is a very sweet girl, and I really doubt that is what she is thinking......plus underneath it all, (when Pip isn't being annoying) she really loves him, so I think maybe it might be some confusion on her part, since Pip can be really nice and sweet to her and even preen her head, yet then he will steal a toy from her......I just think maybe she doesn't understand lovies!

09-17-2008, 10:09 AM
Kiwi, all 47 grams of him, will march up to my 85 pound dog and try to nip at his nose!! :omg: :

Buddy, all 60 grams of her, will march up to me, none-of-your-business-how-many pounds, and not try, but successfully nip my nose.

I usually deserve it and have been given fair warning, however. She has, through years of practice, discovered all of my most sensitive spots. When she is truly p----d off, she heads for my chest and, right through my clothes, goes for a very sensitive part of the female anatomy :omg:

She is far less tollerant than she was before the vet started poking needles in her. Doesn't like to be held nearly as much as she used to. Can't say I blame her. She doesn't know it's for her own good. :(

09-18-2008, 02:15 AM
oh my gosh bubblelady are you sure it isnt a male.. a female should be compassionate and not go for sensitive spots! hahahaha.

sometimes elmo will give me a kiss and sometimes he will decided to attack my nose or lips instead... they know all the good spots. its like they are born with that knowledge. anything fleshy.. attack!