View Full Version : Poop - the new fashion accessory for work

Buy A Paper Doll
07-27-2005, 09:16 PM
I was running late to work today because it took a while to get the cozy caves away from M&M this morning. I must have forgotten to do the Morning Poop Check. Fast forward an hour. I'm sitting in a meeting and suddenly someone points at me and announces, "Look, she has bird poop on her shirt!"


Then I had the pleasure of really grossing them all out. I picked it off with my fingers. :lol I am now known as the Crazy Bird Lady. I don't mind, though; I've been called much worse. :roll:

07-27-2005, 09:22 PM
I know what you mean about grossing people out! We are bird people and we are used to what birds do. Non-bird people just don't understand. There have been many a time when I've gone to work sporting bird feathers either attached to my shirt or in my hair. Oh well..........

07-27-2005, 09:23 PM

That ain't new girlfriend, I've been wearing that stuff for awhile now :rofl: It is an almost everyday accessory, usually compliments of Bela :rolleyes:

It is kinda funny to see the grossed out looks on faces though isn't it. What we take as an everyday, most times every 20 minute occurance, is something most people really freak out over :lol

07-27-2005, 09:35 PM
You need to get a little frosting applicator and squoosh out a bit of green frosting onto your shirt. Next time someone comments, scoop it up and lick it off your finger. That'll shut em up. ;)

07-27-2005, 09:43 PM
ROFL :rofl: :rofl:

Joanie Noel
07-27-2005, 10:15 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

07-28-2005, 07:44 AM
SHY!!! :rofl: That is the very kind of thing I'd do for the reaction I know I'd get! Even if it made me sick!

I've found bird poop in places that I have never figured out how it got there! Found it on my belt buckle the other day and yep, I was at work! Every time my husband walks out the door he ask me to check his back to see if he's clean! :D Only one little love but a lot of poop!

07-28-2005, 09:04 AM
Janie, after this weekend you will have a whole lot more birdie poop to contend with. ;)

After I have the Terrible Trio out with me, I look like the "Feed the Birds" lady from "Mary Poppins"; or should that be "Merry Poopins"?

07-28-2005, 09:47 AM
I did not read Shy's reply carefully and thought she meant to actually scoop up the REAL thing! :omg: I like the frosting idea better! :D

Barbie, I can handle all the poop coming my way! :D "Merry Poopins".....:lol