View Full Version : Friends at last......

07-27-2005, 09:23 PM
A few months ago a friend placed her 14yr old Lovebird with me as she could not longer tolerate his "shrill" call. I'm totally in love with this normal Peachface bird. He lived alone for his entire life and even when he came to me I kept him separated in his own cage also. However, I ended up with a very young Creamino (sex unknown, but I thought this was a male) he was just not accepted by two of the other Lovebirds that lived together. So after several weeks of him being by himself I decided to put Buttons and Simba (14yr old) together. I watched closely for friction. There was a little but really minor. They each have their own hut for sleeping and are in a roomy cage. Well.....I was so surprised and happy to see them, after about two months of sharing, preening each other and perched closely to one another and looking so pleased. It must be wonderful for Simba to have another bird like himself to be close to. I'm so happy for them.


07-27-2005, 09:28 PM

That is sooooo heartwarming, and the main reason I got another lovie to be a companion to my Bela. Bela always had lots of love, plenty of attention, and was totally spoiled. What he didn't have was a companion of his own kind, and I wanted him to have what everyone should have, true love :)

I am so glad that Simba and Buttons are getting on so well.

07-29-2005, 02:34 PM
That one brought tears to my eyes! Bless you for taking him in AND finding a buddy for him. So, so sweet!!!! :) I'm sure this is the happiest he's been in all his 14 years!

Buy A Paper Doll
07-29-2005, 05:33 PM
Thank you so much for posting this! :) Made my day.

07-29-2005, 05:59 PM
Yep...that is sooooo cool!

When I bought Mr. Tikibird, he was alone, and at the pet store for 2 1/2 yrs....never had a friend, I mean sure, there were lots of other birds in the store, but he was all alone, in his own little cage, so I took him home with me...and although he will not tolerate being touched and runs for the hills when I come near, he now has Mrs. Tikibird and they are sitting on their first clutch of eggs together,,,they seem to be very happy and I feel like I have done right by Mr. Tikibird! :happy:
when he first came to me, he wouldn't bathe and he wouldn't touch his veggies, now the first thing he does in the morning is call out for his veggies! and he will take a bath about once a week, (in his water bowl of course!)
He seems to be very happy now and has someone to share his life with, however long it may be....either 4 or 40 he will be here in my home!
take care,

07-30-2005, 09:51 AM
That is so sweet! I have two bonded males, and just this morning was watching them preen each other. It's so sweet to watch. I have a hen that is housed alone, but she comes out to play every day with one of the boys. He feeds her and they play. I guess Luka is torn between two lovies! :lol
Thanks for sharing with us!

07-30-2005, 12:32 PM
Ah, what a heartwarming story.

I have one lovie, Nerin, who was terribly lonely and he would stare at Neaera and I swear I could see tiny hearts floating out of his chest all around him. Neaera wanted no part of this, as she is bonded to Calais.

Then I rescued three little peachies and Nerin has a new love. From the moment he set eyes on Nike, he was lost. They are now inseparable and it is so nice to see him this happy at last. He still gives Neaera the eye once in a while, but only if Nike isn't watching closely. 8o