View Full Version : Parrot books or movies

09-18-2008, 10:24 AM
Does anyone know of any books or movies (non documentary, non textbook) where parrots are integral to the story, and perhaps leading characters? The only items that I've read/seen in the recent past that fit the description was a mystery named "We'll Always Have Parrots" and the movie "Paulie".

09-18-2008, 11:31 AM
Look for "Bill and Coo." It's from the 1940s but it's adorable! The stars are all well trained lovebirds!

09-18-2008, 06:02 PM
Ohh, sounds intriguing!

Now if I can only find it on DVD, since it's hard to play tapes on my computer...

09-18-2008, 06:36 PM
Oooh, I did a Google search and found a site where you can download it. I will check that out when I get home.

Since I don't want to post a link to that site (not sure about that particular site's link policy and don't have time to check) just enter Bill and Coo in the Google search box and the entry is the fourth or fifth one down.

09-23-2008, 06:55 PM
For fiction, try:

Elsewhere In the Land of Parrots by Jim Paul

I know that there is a writer out there who incorporates a caique into the stories; her name is escaping me at the moment. I will try to edit when it comes to me.

For those in the mood for non-fiction, you might want to try these:

The Parrot Who Owns Me by Joanna Burger

The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill by Mark Bittner

Spix’s Macaw: The Race to Save the World’s Rarest Parrot by Tony Juniper

A Parrot Without a Name: The Search for the Last Unknown Birds on Earth by Don Stap

Providence of a Sparrow by Chris Chester

Enslaved By Ducks and Fowl Weather by Bob Tarte

I read the first three and am in the middle of the A Parrot Without a Name. It’s a VERY slow read but at the same time, quite interesting.
