View Full Version : Your distinctive lovie trait

09-19-2008, 09:10 PM
Hi All,

So I am constantly thinking about "what if" situations..
And I was thinking that if ever Elmo were to have a play date with lots and lots of lovebirds, considering that he is a peach face.. what if I can't tell the difference between them. :whistle:

I thought that maybe I could try the step up and if they dont step up on the hand then its elmo but that might be the same thing for a lot of lovies.

But then I thought, all I need to do is put down his cat ball with a bell in it, and if the lovie uses his foot to push the ball around, then its elmo.

What would be your lovies disctinctive trait, if you couldnt tell the difference... (although most of you could.):happy:

09-19-2008, 09:17 PM
The one who flies to my 1yr old daughter and preens her. Drac is not tame but he loves my youngest daughter alot. He talks and chirps at her.


09-19-2008, 09:34 PM
I can tell with beak shape and thier little habbits, boo is easiest she bites the hardest lol
Baby boos first love sugar baby was a male but was very hard to tell them apart this was when boo and him were 6 months old (boo was just a spring chicken!) see if you can tell which one is boo:)


Couldnt tell? Sugar baby lost a nail hes the one on the left in the first picture, the one on top in the second picture..can you guess the rest?:D

09-19-2008, 10:01 PM
babybird4 -. is sugar baby on the top?
baby bird3 - is sugar baby on the branch?
babybird 2 - is the behind bird?
babybirds - sugar baby on the right?

man.. that was soo hard and I bet i got them all wrong! hahahahhaa.

mummieforever. that is SO cute..

Pips mom
09-19-2008, 10:08 PM
I could never lose Pip in a crowd! Even if all the lovies looked like him!!! He has special chirps that I know very well and also his little head bob with the grunting sound! These are happy sounds, so if he was with other lovies, I'm sure I'd be hearing them! He'd be the lovie that's the most excited about being with other lovies!!!

09-19-2008, 10:17 PM
LOL.. grunting???? like when men grunt?

Pips mom
09-19-2008, 11:03 PM
I don't know quite how to describe it.......he makes this cute little grunting sound.....no chirp or whistle, just the funny sound! I have always loved when he does this! I wish I could get it on video.....maybe one day so I can share it and you can see just what it is that he does!
Oh......and I just thought of another thing that makes Pip stand out....at least some of the time.......right now he has a rosey cheek! When he takes a bath and gets all wet, he will get on his playgym and even though I have soaked the wood to get all the food coloring off, some still comes off and he always sits on the red colored one and rubs his face on it and gets one rosey cheek! the rosey cheek lasts about a week or so....he has one right now!

09-19-2008, 11:43 PM
This one is easy! Standing in the middle of a sea of lovebirds, I'd just have to get out my nail clippers and start trimming my fingernails. I'd hear double chirp like a really loud car security system and then out of nowhere I'd have a furiously obsessed lump of green and yellow feathers trying to wrestle the clippers from me. That would be Sam.

09-20-2008, 12:07 AM
Awww! the grunting! My Maka grunted! It was so cute... his response to most conversation was a grunt.

Me: Hi Maka! Wanna head skritch?
Maka: *grunt*

Me: (standing in front of a mirror) Look Maka! It's a birdie like you!
Maka: (trying to nibble the mirror) *grunt grunt*

I'm not sure that my Sunnybird has anything truly distinctive to her yet... but she's still sooo much fun!

09-20-2008, 04:54 AM
Jack is close ringed so its easy to tell him apart, besides heflies over when i hold my hand out , he also has a little distictive colour on the edge of his wing, along with a distictive pattern of peach on his head

09-20-2008, 05:05 AM
Triock I think you have a very fantastic trick in the holding arm out! Oh, I need to teach elmo that..

Sammy, is it any type of clippers? Or just the metal ones. that is HILARIOUS!!!

09-20-2008, 05:54 AM
Momo, use millet to tease him over to you while holding out your arm and using what ever command you want to use for this action, I say come here, while holding out my arm and he flies over. I started by holding mr arm a few inches away from him and then moving further and further away. Good luck

09-20-2008, 06:04 AM
Petie's distinctive trait: plucked.
Pheobe's distinctive trait: will try to shred strips out of clothes to make her nest. If that doesn't work, she will go on your head and pluck your hair to add to her nest.

09-20-2008, 06:32 AM
Bubbleking, what kind of birds are those? I have never seen facial coloring like that. Is it a hybrid? Very cute.

09-20-2008, 10:08 AM
triock, I have tried to little jumps from arm to arm, He does that really well. Millet is a god send when in a millet craze.

Elle doesnt the hair plucking hurt? oh my gosh!! how does pheobe shred clothes??? like material???

Buy A Paper Doll
09-20-2008, 10:20 AM
Petie's distinctive trait: plucked.
Same w/ Milo. But if he were fully feathered, just drum your fingers on any piece of furniture and Milo will come running to check it out.

Lily's distinctive trait: She gently preens my face and hands.

Melody's distinctive trait was that she would HOP and stand tall, if I said her name. :)

Pips mom
09-20-2008, 10:55 AM
Awww! the grunting! My Maka grunted! It was so cute... his response to most conversation was a grunt.

Me: Hi Maka! Wanna head skritch?
Maka: *grunt*

Me: (standing in front of a mirror) Look Maka! It's a birdie like you!
Maka: (trying to nibble the mirror) *grunt grunt*

I'm not sure that my Sunnybird has anything truly distinctive to her yet... but she's still sooo much fun!

See I just knew there had to be another grunting lovie! It is the cutest sound that he makes.....but it always goes along with a head bob....he bobs his head with each grunt!

09-20-2008, 11:21 AM
Bubbleking, what kind of birds are those? I have never seen facial coloring like that. Is it a hybrid? Very cute.

Those are hybrid birds, which result when breeding masked and peachface lovebirds together. You don't see them much cause breeding them is pretty frowned upon. My husband and I adopted one named Kai earlier this year. He's a striking looking bird, but a maniac!

09-20-2008, 11:34 AM
triock, I have tried to little jumps from arm to arm, He does that really well. Millet is a god send when in a millet craze.

Elle doesnt the hair plucking hurt? oh my gosh!! how does pheobe shred clothes??? like material???

Yes, it hurts. and yes, she tries to shred materials/ fabrics with no success. It's funny to watch her get frustrated with it.

09-20-2008, 04:15 PM
Triock I think you have a very fantastic trick in the holding arm out! Oh, I need to teach elmo that..

Sammy, is it any type of clippers? Or just the metal ones. that is HILARIOUS!!!

Metal nail clippers. He likes tweezers too, but not nearly as much. His favorite part of any toy is the chain and the hook. He is a heavy metal birdie. But nail clippers are what really do it for him.

09-20-2008, 06:59 PM
Metal nail clippers. He likes tweezers too, but not nearly as much. His favorite part of any toy is the chain and the hook. He is a heavy metal birdie. But nail clippers are what really do it for him.

Uh oh! This makes two heavy metal birdies. Goof goes for the red handled tweezers as though it were a baby lovebird..... Break out the nail clippers and he's right there to watch every move!...Better keep these two apart! :rolleyes:

I would "like to think" Goofy to be discernible from most other similar peached face lovies. Most likely, this would be his personality followed by tiny bald spots precisely located between each shoulder.....As odd as it sounds, even though I have no way to closely compare, as he's the only lovebird here, I have noticed a difference between him and many other lovebirds I've viewed. On the other hand, I'm sure if he were placed among a few hundred peachie's just like him (and he knew I was looking for him) he would be impossible to find as his most distinctive trait is his disappearing act.

09-21-2008, 04:11 PM
I'd just have to floss my teeth--Buddy would be on one of my hands in a flash. She thinks dental floss is a birdie toy. Sooooo helpful in doing a good flossing job. Or, if she wanted something, she would nibble gently but rapidly & extremely insistently on my finger until I figured out what she wants. Could be anything from food/water to skritches to "turn out the light! I want to sleep!" She has done this since the day she came home.
(She is still boarding. I'm done with my conference but still at my mom's. Get my birdies back tomorrow.) Bubbleking, I can't believe how much alike your birdies are! The first picture is like looking a mirrow image photos. Or like those kid puzzles: find all the differences. Amazing.

09-21-2008, 06:42 PM
LOL at buddy..do you have the flavored floss?

if elmos beads/ball get stuck behind his water or food bowl... he has learnt to pick it up and move it! super bird. cause its a small dog bowl!!