View Full Version : FID

09-24-2008, 10:15 AM
Hi can anyone tell me what FID means, I've seen it used as a term for their lovie, but have no idea wot or how it orginated, still a newbie :confused:

09-24-2008, 10:38 AM
FID = feathered kid. Unlike the term "bappy" (baby parrot, courtesy of Sally Blanchard), I don't know who, if anyone, coined it.

A fid can be any parrot, not necessarily a lovebird.

09-24-2008, 10:47 AM
Ahhhhhhhhhhh thanks Linda.

09-24-2008, 10:58 AM
I always wondered it too.. I knew it meant your bird.. but didnt know where it came from.

09-24-2008, 11:01 AM
I tried to google it and all sorts came up, lol, anyways hows Elmo doin

09-25-2008, 12:10 AM
Oh normally I only work once a week, or even two weeks. But its been busy the past few days and I have worked Friday, Monday, Tues and Wednesday.. poor elmo. He was kept company by grandma on Wednesday. But I also went to a concert Wednesday night, so I didnt get home until midnight. But my mum said that she didnt see Elmo eat the whole day and didnt come play in his play gym either. He was out in the morning before I left for work with me. So I had to entice him out of his cage to eat his food when I came home at night. He ate millet from my fingers without attacking them! But today we're back to the same old, same old. Fingers are evil.

Luckily today everything seems back to normal. He's playing and eating. Next time though, I wont be gone for the whole day from morning to midnight. I will take his protest of food and play time as a protest of my absences. He must just feel safe when I'm around to come out maybe?

Hows your fid.. (see I used our new learnt word there!!)

09-25-2008, 04:16 AM
LOL, oh Jack my Fid (hehehehehe) is doing good, hes going through his molt and is leaving those tiny white feathers everywhere, lol. BUt apart from that hes gettign his own individual personality coming thorugh and I am becoming used to his various noises and their meanings, espicially the one that says - "I vont to be alone"

09-25-2008, 04:18 AM
LOL.. I think the sign language for I want to be alone is the first that all LOVEBIRD owners get! hahahahahaha.

We are going through a molt as well.. I went to work and took off my jacket to find a little white surprise.. hehehe. and Ive found one in my bed..
and on the couch.. near the tv.. I'm gonna have to start to charge them rent soon!

I got elmo a manu mineral perch which was more 1/3 of the price of elmo himself! (dam exchange rates).. but it is a large one 9inchs.. but he isnt interested at ALL in it.

Give your Fid *yaay* aka Jack a cuddle for me.

09-25-2008, 04:28 AM
lol, i know those perches are so expensive, even the ones that are supposed to trim thier nails.

Will give Jack cuddle from you depending on his mood this evening, lol

09-25-2008, 04:55 AM
I am always so paranoid and trying to find ways to make sure he gets enough vitamins and healthy thing because he just refuses to try other things beside sultanas.

The perch is like twice the size of Elmo himself.. I'm sure it will last him about four life times.

09-25-2008, 05:08 AM
Do you use vitamins suppliments, etc. on his soft foods or water, to be honest i use potent brew only as Jack and his parents eat pretty much every thing inc mealworms :x

09-25-2008, 05:28 AM
I tried the vitamins in the water, it had instructions for how much per mL..

But refused, he preferred not to have water at all.

I was looking at the egg biscuit, the lady at the pet store *not selling animals, just food, housing etc.* but it was a giant box of it and I am afraid elmo wont bother to eat it. so I tried to mineral perch first. Plus I am not sure how good the egg and biscuit thing mix is.

eww they ate worms. but then again they are birds.. but.. ahh.. I dont know, I'd look at elmo differently if he ate worms! hahahahah.

09-25-2008, 05:44 AM
:rofl: meal worms i know, they are not exactly worms but the larve stage of a beetle, but you prolly already know that.

I wouldnt bother with the egg biscuit thing, you're better off making your own birdie bread/biscuit at least you can put in it what you want, inc what Elmo like so entice him to eat it, he may not go for it straight away, but keep pffering him everyday along with his regular food and eventually he should start to eat it. Jack took about a week before he started to nibble on the birdie bread.

09-25-2008, 05:50 AM
I think the larve stage is even grosser than the actual worm stage!! cause they're babies...

it took him two weeks of having sultanas in his cage 24/7 for him to eat it... its hard becuase fresh veggies you need to throw them out after a certain while.. but its all persistences.. he will lick them.. and will lick anything i offer to him.. but he just doesnt bite it.. maybe I need to put some taste on the side of it so he will bite it..

I've tried getting him to lick the cut open side with all of the juices.. but he just shakes his head at it.. (that is with any veggies i give him)

09-25-2008, 06:05 AM
yeah jack does that, but seriously make him some birdie bread, and offer him a small piece every day, you can freeze it so no probs there, just deforst a piece each night in the fridge ready for the next day, let him play with it he'll start eating it after a while. To stop wasteage offer him small pieces at first like the size of a dice, until he starts to eat it, when you make it pack it what he likes along with what you want him to eat, I used things like baby veg food, baby fruit puddings, millet, mixed seed, flax oil, oats, etc, the recipe is posted on here in the recipe posts, its fun to make and let elmo watch you make it you never know he may even walk over to invesitgate, i take jack with me to the kitchen when i am preparign his stuff he gets all noisey and climbs down to see

09-25-2008, 07:42 AM
whats birdy bread.. i ahve heard of it before. but i thought it was those avi cake things?

I tried to make some recipe for him. i think it was avi cakes but he wont have a part of it..

i will def try the birdy bread. i found the post linda put up. im a terrible cook hahaha. oh i just wish you could buy it!..

i made a egg curry sandwich with him on my shoulder.. i tried to give him some shell or egg.. he licked it.. but then shaked his head hahaha.

the only way I am ever going to get him to eat something is if its in a ball.. he is obsesssssssssssssed with them!

09-25-2008, 07:52 AM
lol, birdie bread is just that - bread for birds with birdie food stuff things in it. I find Jack does that if you offer him stuff, he lick it then turns away, apart from millet and seed he has never taken any thing to eat from my hand but he will from his food dish when he is hungry. And dont worry I'm no great chef, birdie bread is so easy to make just take the ingredients, mix it up and bake in oven - check out the recipe in the relevant main post, and if you dont have anything thats on the list leave it out or use what you have, the main thing is to make sure put in it wot you want him to eat along with his fav stuff to get him nibble at it