View Full Version : Buddy update

09-29-2008, 05:42 PM
Buddy actually left her spa & asked out of her cage today. :happy: First time in I don't know how long! She is, of course, out :) Which means Gus is in. But Gus plays in her cage by herself quite happily. :):) Also a plus on the Buddy front, there is evidence of tail feather growth!!!! Three of them!!!! It looks like she's been nibbling at them or that they aren't quite normal feathers, but they are getting longer, for the past 3 or 4 days. She hasn't had anytail feather growth in at least a year. She currently has onetail feather, and a pathetic white one at that. Sure hope she lets these grow out--they are all pretty blue ones. But even if she mutilates them, at least they are growing :) I've also been keeping an eye on her weight & it's stable at 60 grams. To use a phrase I learned from my mom (in reference to my grandmother :rofl:), "She's a tough old bird"!

09-29-2008, 06:22 PM
Well, Buddy certainly has some prayers those tail feathers will continue to grow. Any others growing out by chance? Hopefully, regardless of the feather growth, she remains on a steady level of comfortable health. Thanks for the update!.....................:)

Buy A Paper Doll
09-29-2008, 06:39 PM
Yay for Buddy!

I'm so glad to hear she's having a good day and that she has some new feathers growing in. :)

Oh, and I've heard the phrase "tough old bird" used to describe my mother, by her dentist. :omg:

Pips mom
09-29-2008, 06:50 PM
Awwww, you go Buddy! wow, 60 grams! She sure sounds like a strong one! and now new feathers too? I'm glad to hear she is doing so good! I know how special she is to you!

09-29-2008, 08:23 PM
Buddy - you go girl!! Maybe all the time in the lovie spa helped her feel like a young lovie again!! :)

I have such a soft spot for Buddy since seeing the pictures of her - with or without her growing in tailfeathers (keep them growing little lady) she is such a special lovie. :) Thanks for the update!