View Full Version : Mourning peachfaced lovebird

09-30-2008, 09:43 AM

About 2 years ago I bought a pair of lovebirds (a male fischer and a male peachface). During my vacation I left them in the care of a good friend. When I brought them home, I noticed my fischer's head was tilted a lot of the time and he was losing his balance. I took him to my vet, who said he might be suffering from a concussion. :(
Unfortunately my fischer died just a day ago :very_sad: and now it seems that my peachface is going through a mourning period. I'm trying to give him emotional support by giving him extra treats and spending as much time with him as I can. Nevertheless, he's very quiet and two dark spots have appeared just above his beak. Is anyone familiar with this? :confused:And is there anything else I can do for him during this period? Other than showing these symptoms, he's in a good physical condition; he's going through a severe molt, but he's eating well (extra nutrients) and he's not plucking his feathers. Would it be better to buy him a new mate or give him away (to a lovebird farm) so he can get attached to a new group of lovebirds?

Thanks in advance.

09-30-2008, 10:14 AM
Nevertheless, he's very quiet and two dark spots have appeared just above his beak. Is anyone familiar with this?
I am so sorry to hear that your lovebird lost his companion! Birds will grieve, and all you can do is provide support while they go through the process. Personally, I would look for another companion for him rather than devestate him twice by changing his familiar home, as well. He will come around. Should you opt to get him a new friend, remember 30 day quarantine.

As for the dark spots above his beak, has the weather turned colder where you are and have you turned on any heat? I see this in my aviary in the winter when the air is drier. Those spots (around the nares) will disappear and the coloring will be normal again.

09-30-2008, 01:09 PM
Sorry to hear abobut your loss, thoughts and prayers are with you

09-30-2008, 05:09 PM
I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

My female lovebird died at the end of November 2007 and her mate went through a mourning period too. Squeaky was very moody, quiet and not himself for quite a while. After about 5 months, I got a new peachfaced lovebird (Ducky is only 1 year old now.) After the quarantine period and vet check ups, they now live in cages beside one another and have out of cage playtime together. Squeaky has perked right up and is much more chirpy, playful and, I believe, happier. He even seems to like me better too! My new lovebird Ducky is a great friend for him!

Good luck with your decision.

Buy A Paper Doll
09-30-2008, 05:23 PM
I'm so sorry. Watching an animal grieve is about the worst thing ever, isn't it?

You're doing all of the right things. Extra love and attention is what was most appreciated for my Milo when he lost his mate earlier this month.

When you note that he starts acting more like himself again, you may want to consider getting him a friend. Even if they do not share the same cage, it's always nice for a birdy to have another birdy to talk to.

09-30-2008, 07:13 PM
My hen boo lost her mate sugar baby and all of us went through a grieveing period but she took it so hard.. well i gave her lots of attention etc as soon as she was close to her old self we brought home sunshine who is her current mate and love, for them it worked out good but remember every bird is different and if you do buy another they may not get along or like to sleep in the same cage so make sure you have both the spoace and time for two birds, but i would say go for it and get him a new friend perferibly another male unless you want eggs:)

10-01-2008, 03:21 PM
Thanks to all of you for your sympathy and advice. It is indeed very difficult to see my sweetie grieve. I tried to take him with me everywhere I went today. I really hope that he'll feel better in time. As soon as he's a bit closer to being his old self, I'll buy him a new friend.

10-01-2008, 05:15 PM
Instead pf buying a friend please consider a rehomed bird or a bird in need of a good home from somewhere such as craigslist.com