View Full Version : Vet time again

10-01-2008, 05:24 PM
Got to play one of my least favorite games again today--"go to the birdie doctor" :( Seems Buddy would rather be a "bloody butt" than a "feather butt". All her sprouting new tail feathers are gone :( And she wouldn't leave the oozing spot alone. It would dry up, then the next time I'd check it was oozing again. After the 3rd round of this game I decided it was vet time. So, all the tail feathers are gone :very_sad: AND she has a bacterial infection! AND she has a bruised chest! Possibly a fall--she does lose her grip on me now and then :( AND she's lost 2 grams. Just when I thought things were looking up :( So now we have her kidney meds, her antibiotic, and a pain med. The later is for short term only, to see if she will stop her prodidgious preening/picking. Vet said it's okay for a day or two but with her history of kidney problems, not to continue it for very long. I have noticed she hasn't wiggled or picked since I gave her the pain med--she's snuggled in my shirt right now, not in her "spa" . My poor little baby :(:(:( Old age sure isn't for wimps!

10-01-2008, 05:34 PM
Our flock is praying for a quick and healthy buddy!!!

Buy A Paper Doll
10-01-2008, 06:13 PM
Aw. :( I'm so sorry. Hang in there, Buddy! (And you too, Bubblelady!)

10-01-2008, 07:09 PM
poor buddy - i'm sending only positive thoughts your way that she starts feeling better soon. ((((((((Buddy and Bubblelady))))))))

10-01-2008, 07:10 PM
I am so sorry your Buddy isn't feeling well. :( Prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery from me, Squeaky and Ducky!

10-01-2008, 08:23 PM
Sorry to hear Buddy's been having some difficulties......:(....... especially after all the recent tailfeather excitement. Both her and you have my prayers for a quick recovery. In the meantime, maybe try to convince her she really needs those tailfeathers. Not only do they cover a certain part of her anatomy, but helps balance that big head!...............:thud:.................:)

Pips mom
10-01-2008, 09:50 PM
Awwww, get better soon Buddy! I know old age is rough sometimes, but we all have to go there! I sure hope she's feeling better soon!

10-01-2008, 11:04 PM
aww... I hope buddy gets well soon!! at least buddy has a mummy who loves him very dearly and will take care of him.

10-02-2008, 10:42 AM
try to convince her she really needs those tailfeathers. Not only do they cover a certain part of her anatomy, but helps balance that big head!...............:thud:.................:)

You are so right! that "part of her anatomy" certainly isn't very attractive :( When I was a kid my dad called that part of the chicken "the pope's nose" (hope this doesn't offend anyone--my dad was a cradle Catholic so it was technically an "in joke") I didn't understand the joke, of course!

Gus is trying to cheer me up. She has finally decided that fresh food isn't just for humans after all. I think she is going to be a "binge" eater. Given a choice of foods, she picks one and gorges herself on it. Last night it was apple. This morning it's cherry. She also has decided she likes melon, pasta, and red bell pepper. Hasn't tried anything green yet but we'll keep tryi;ng. Typing this is difficult because while I have 2 hands at the moment, Gus has just discovered that eyeglasses are really good for climbing on, and noses make good foot holds! Ouch!!!!

Buddy is snuggling in my shirt. She really hasn't been picking nearly as much since the pain meds, although there was a small dot of blood on her upper chest this morning. I'm a little concerned because her "bruise" looks bigger to me this morning and it's right next to where the fresh "pick" spot was. She hasn't had a recent fall, although she did jump off my desk yesterday, right before we went to the vet (and I hadn't noticed the "bruise" prior to that)but she landed on the carpet & has jumped off the desk many time before. I'm hoping that the "bruise" is truly a bruise & not some sort of internal bleeding. :(

Thanks for your concern, and I know you will keep thinking of us. We need lots of posative energy right now.

10-02-2008, 03:13 PM
Does your vet know exactly which bacteria he's treating or did he give you a broad spectrum antibiotic?

(((((((((((((((((((((((Buddy)))))))))))))))))))))) ))

10-02-2008, 03:20 PM
Okay, mom was being neurotic. I took Buddy back to the vet & she checked her out. Not to panic. She said it looked like a crop burn. At the time I couldn't think how that could happen but on the way home I remembered I had corn on my plate Monday night. Buddy, who really loves corn, could have gotten into it when I went to the kitchen for a moment. I don't think it was all that hot, but maybe :confused: Anyway, she said it wasn't "getting worse", just changing. And that it might even get to look worse before it gets better. She said the worst that could happen is that it might actually break through, or errode, or something--I wasn't in my best listening mode. But I did hear her say that if that happens it still isn't panic time. It would require a "procedure" but it was fixable. She said Buddy is already on the right antibiotic, and she doesn't want to put anything on it lest Buddy pick even more. I'll see how it looks tomorrow & may just leave Buddy at the vet's when I go to my mom's this weekend, just to be safe. I have to take her--and Gus--in Monday anyway since I'll be gone all week. Sorry for overreacting. Guess it's lucky I never had human kids. Don't know if I would have survived!