View Full Version : silly bird

10-01-2008, 10:06 PM
ok so as i type this kiwi cage is behind me n kiwi is on the edge of the couch n my hand is like a pink lenth away. oh no never mind kiwi went back on her cage! danm well i had it ther for at least 1 or 2mins...man the only time i can get close to kiwi it seem is when she sitting on top of her cage or on the couch......... oh and did i tell you i got kiwi yesterday! and kiwi was going back and forth at the front door like she wanted out lastnight. so tonight i open the door and i wasnt even way from the door yet and kiwi jump right out! then started going crazy around the living room i guess kiwi doing purdy good for the first time out of the cage!?

now she a fuff ball sitting on top of her age what a cutie pie! :happy:

10-01-2008, 10:51 PM
ok update i had to get her with a wash towel cuz she keep going crazy all over the place...but its weird as soon i have her in the towel shes not going crazy and she doesnt mind it and she lets me pet her little head as she chews the towel. well that was quite the night i think tomorrow before i go out of the house ill spend time just with my hand IN the cage.

10-01-2008, 11:08 PM
what do you mean by going crazy? like squawking alot? running around?

considering that she's new and wants to explore out of her cage I htink is a good sign. I think it means she's not as scared or frighten any more... either that or she wants to be an escape artist hahahaha.

10-01-2008, 11:28 PM
going crazy like running and trying to fly to whatever she could and squawking here and there... and by the end time she was letting me pot my hands on both sides of her like so close but then she flap her self away. so by the end i had to get a towel and get her cuz she was all over the place. but she let me pet her in the towel.... but again i think i did good for the 1st time on the 2nd day of having kiwi......

i cant wait tell kiwi trust me and bonds with me.

10-02-2008, 01:17 AM
Your kiwi sounds a lot like how my sunnybird behaved when i first brought her home.

Pacing in my previous lovie meant he wanted out to be with us.... and sunny paced and paced...but when the door opened to let her out...she wanted NOTHING to do with me & hubby. We had to be careful she didn't get stuck behind things.. i had to bring her into the bedroom.

It was a good thing she was clipped otherwise she woulda zoomed outta reach quickly!

It took her longer to tame than my Maka, but now she likes being out with us.

10-03-2008, 01:36 AM
Awww... i cant wait tell that time comes!

well kiwi want out of her cage badly again today but it took her 3min to get out then 2.5seconds like yesterday... and i took her in to my bedroom so she was away from her cage(and are bedroom is weird with no window) man i was get danm close to kiwi and she touch my hands a few time with her peck to test things out but not hard just nibble. at one point she was on my pillow and wanted up and i was like huh? you want on top of my head? so kiwi was sitting on top of my head for a min or too...lol and at points she would snuggle in to my sweatpants and look at me and LET me pet her back and head? and by the end of the 2hours i had my hand right beside her a sliver away from her i think she did every well for her 2nd day out!

oh and kiwi like to chew on EVERYTHING? is that a baby thing or a female thing.... my old bird never did that well that i could remeber really he did chew but not like this.

10-03-2008, 01:49 AM
i think it might be a baby thing... exploring, y'know? Sunny is still like that "everything in my mouth!" nom nom nom....

she likes chopsticks...and paper.... and buttons.... and the ties on my shorts, especially if there are knots tied at the ends.... and the embroidery or silk screen on my shirts....and my fingers & fingernails....and any jewelery i might be wearing....lol!

10-03-2008, 01:52 AM
2nd day out 2nd day here!

10-03-2008, 03:49 AM
they fly like no one buisness lol i am worried about gettin my one out in case i cant get him back in again ?

10-03-2008, 07:10 PM
some will go back in their cage on their own some you might have to put in your self. like lastnight my bird was on the floor so i layed down and s/he went to get away from my hands and ended up on my sweater so i just pick kiwi up as she chewed my string on my sweater and but her inher cage :D