View Full Version : OT - And we thought sexing parrots was hard....

10-03-2008, 08:59 AM
This morning my boyfriend and I woke up to find that our "male" guinea pig, has a very cute, very small baby guinea pig in tow. It's adorable and I'm hoping and praying it's female so that I can keep her, but in the mean time...
Has anyone here ever owned guinea pigs that have had a litter before?
can they be sexed right away?
what kind of bedding should be used/not used?
I was told they eat solid food right away (almost) is there any thing special I need to feed it? baby guinea pig food?
any other words of wisdom?

10-03-2008, 09:24 AM
I myself have never had guinea pigs before, elmo is my first pet..

but I found this website:
has a bit of info about breeding

about sexing. (you gotta feel for a ... you know for the males....)

I hope this helps.. and picturesss!!! pretty please :).. babies of anything are soo cute

10-03-2008, 09:30 AM
:omg: mental note to oneself ....never, never buy a guinea pig, espically a male :rofl: or for that matter a female

10-03-2008, 09:33 AM
I read the thing.. that you gotta remove the boys away from mummy at 4 weeks old because they will mate :|.....

10-03-2008, 09:35 AM
did you read bout cleaning their genitals :omg: :x

10-03-2008, 09:42 AM
Oh gross!!
have fun tango's mum ;)

10-03-2008, 09:58 AM
Oh boy, I just love 'em! I am the official baby sitter for a young neighbor's pig, Rocky, and he is so, so sweet. When he was researching pigs he was told that females are much sweeter but Rocky is as sweet as they come. When his family goes out of town we keep him here and he loves to be held and petted and I just adore the little squeaks and noises he makes.

A friend of mine had 3 female pigs and all three lived to be 6 plus years old. Rocky is already 4 1/2 and in great shape.

10-04-2008, 06:35 PM
Well the male that is the dady is actually very sweet and cuddly, and our female not as much, so I guess it depends on the individual, I think we're gonna keep the baby and it's a female, just leave it with mom (we have a massive cage) and if it's male he'll be separated at least until he's old enough to be castrated.