View Full Version : Return of the Monsters LOL

07-28-2005, 04:50 PM
About 4 years ago, when I first began breeding lovebirds, one of my first clutches contained some Dutch Blues and a couple of creaminos. Two of the DB's I sold to a guy named Mike, who re-named them "Ben" and "Gerry" aka the icecream. (We had called them Darcy and Tucker)
Anyway, Mike called me a week ago, and my first instinct was to panic (whats wrong, are they ok, who died etc). Mike had called simply to ask if I'd be interested in 'birdy sitting' for a couple of weeks while his family went to FLA on vacation. I'd birdie sat for him last Xmas too...
SOOOO, Guess who's sittin on my shoulders as I type this while I'm at work on the puter??? :happy: :happy:
They're so sweet and have retained their tameness and gentleness. They look wonderful and they're the only birds this guy owns, so Im ok with bringing them in my house. They won't be staying in the aviary, but in our living room.
Ben is the girl, she can throw you a mean bite if you don't pay her attention when she wants it. Gerry is so sweet and he cat-calls me when he wants to know where I am:) Ben is affectionate in her own way, ie: she remembered skritches immediately and paused for a few seconds to get a good rubbin behind her ear. Then, WHAM, I got the beak LOL
Anyway, I'll be on later tonight with more braggins' LOL


07-28-2005, 05:10 PM
Kim (the UNbirthday girl, :lol) that is the sweetest story! How cool that you'd get to keep in touch with your babies! How lucky Mike is that you will keep them for him....in a good home with lots of lovin' and putter time! :D

07-28-2005, 05:21 PM
Hey Kim: That is so cool. I bet you just love when your birdies go to great homes and get all the lovin' Mike has given them. I'm sure Birdy sitting is a blast too :D .

07-28-2005, 07:18 PM
Cool! Birdy sitting.

That's how I wound up with ditto. (he liked the baby sitter better than mom). :rofl:

07-28-2005, 08:14 PM

That is so cool. I know you are glad to see the little buggers, and it is awesome that he has kept in touch, and I'm sure you love the time with them. You were and of course always will be their fidma :D