View Full Version : what colors can lovebirds see?

10-03-2008, 09:31 PM
just a curious question. does anyone know if lovebirds can see in color or is it just black and white? I'm assuming they can see in color, but I have no idea.

Pips mom
10-03-2008, 10:31 PM
I know that birds can see color, and also that their eyesight is better than ours.

10-04-2008, 08:28 PM
There is an article in Birdtalk for November that talks all about that. We see 3 colors, they see 4. The article also said they see a person's "aura" that they give off. A person whom is angry or giving off a nervous energy is evident to them in a color you emit.

Weird huh?

Pipsmom will be happy lots of Pionus' in this month's mag.

10-04-2008, 08:32 PM
oh wow!!.. they can see aura.. i wonder what color it is.

10-04-2008, 09:59 PM
They can see auras! I guess that explains why the budgie I got right after my husband and I separated wouldn't let me near her for about 9 months but withing 2 weeks of coming back from a church-sponsored workshop about dealing with loss she was sitting on my shoulder! I knew without a doubt that she was picking up on something. Just never considered visual cues. As to what color an aura is, I understand different people have different colors, and the same person will have different colors according to what is going on inside them. I can't see them myself--and am not even sure there is such a thing, but I have been told my basic color is green, and gold when I'm feeling really relaxed & happy. Hmmmm....green. Never thought of that. Maybe that's why I like parrots so much :rofl:

10-05-2008, 03:17 PM
Thats interesting, im always facinated how people/scientists know these things or find out unless they be the animal for a day! Mine like yellow the best, they always go for the yellow buttons on the tv remote control! :D

10-05-2008, 06:14 PM
"We see 3 colors, they see 4." I guess you didn't read that article very clearly. Humans can see from visible blue (but not UV) through all the colors to red (but not infrared), which goes red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet to name the colors. But there is an infinite spectrum in between each major color. Birds can see deep down into the UV and out to the green, but not orange or red. To them, red and orange are grey or black, if pure. However, most colors are mixes of several so what they see of orange is probably yellow and some green. The important part for birds is the UV, where they get really great "colors" -- I'd love to know what UV looks like! So give them plenty of credit for seeing more than we can. I'd love to know what the aura also looks like -- it must be a very telling shade and I'd like to see it sometime...

10-06-2008, 12:46 PM
not orange or red. To them, red and orange are grey or black, if pure.

Just curious, what about hummingbirds :confused: They sure seem to be attracted to red. Even had one buzz my head one day when I had a red hairband on :)

10-06-2008, 01:16 PM
They see orange as grey! I have ginger hair! I bet i look like an old lady to mine!

10-06-2008, 06:24 PM
Actually orange is a mix of colors that have yellow predominantly. So they will see the yellow nice and bright, which may be what they like. Not being a bird, I can't tell, but it won't be grey or black because of the other colors mixed in. If something is only red, very pure deep RED, then they will see it as grey or black. Hummingbirds are probably going for the "yellow" and the way it looks to them. What we call "red" is really more yellow than red because of the type of pigments being used. Anyhow, they know what they like -- real red is very deep and not what we normally consider it to be.

10-10-2008, 05:29 PM
I said that DanceLady.

10-20-2008, 01:20 AM
wow i didnt know that they can see better then we can! and i though they could see colour, i was about to post and ask but bookworm already did.

also ive always wonder what it looks like threw there eyes to see since there eyes are on each side of there cute little heads? like how they see to how we see...

10-29-2008, 10:17 PM
They see Aura's? Hmmmm. That's explains alot! I was holding a lovebird and I was wanting a little kiss from it...and what do ya know?! It kisses me! Awwww :rofl: . Oh and wait! Good news :)...I'm getting that lovebird! Hopefully I can also get him/hers sex =]