View Full Version : Houdini

10-06-2008, 02:14 PM
So i guess i'll start at the beginning, we brought DEC yellow and Cobalt home yesterday, installed them in their new home set up in the living room. So later in the evening we are sat there and the birds are happliy chatting away, and then Steve says he/she (DEC) has its head stuck in the bars :omg: i leapt up and ran over to the cage to find Dec with head outside looking up at me, i pulled the bards apart so it could free itself, the rest of the noght passed without insident.

The next morning remembering the night before i moved the cage against a wall before i went to work, feeling anxious all day i was dreading getting home. Finally when i got home i slowly opened the door to the lounge :omg: DEC was sat on top of the cage, looked over at me and flew on to the window sill, grabbing a towel i threw it over DEC and gently picked it up, not a sound was heard and put back in cage. Later about an hour or so i went to kitchen, birds in cage, Jack on my shoulder. Went in to the lounge and :omg: DEC back on top of cage, at this point i didnt know whether to laugh or cry, but it was sooo funny so i :rofl: caught again and back in cage. about an hour later, i turned my head for 2 /3 secs and - you guessed it back out, so back in cage again. This time i was determined to find out how the escape artist was doing it, so i day there and watched as DEC sepent a few minutes climbing around the cage then flew over to the door, pushed the clip out a bit to release the door to create a wide enough gap and Voila!!!!

So tomorrow a new penthouse for these 2 as well, in the meantime, door secured properly and an old t-shirt stuffed in the bars to close the gap by the door. Now for a stiff drink as i am a bag of nerves :rofl:

10-06-2008, 02:17 PM
Oh goodness! Kira is a master escape artist, although she hasn't really done much since I got them their new flight cage a few months back. She's been pretty good. But there were days when I'd come home and she'd be out and about. I had to clip the cage doors shut! She would lift them up and escape.