View Full Version : Preening: Neurotic or Itchy Molt?

10-07-2008, 03:00 AM
Good evening/afternoon/morning all..

So.. elmo is still going through his molt. I'm not sure whether before I could call it a molt compared to now.. a few weeks ago.. he was losing about 1 or 2 fluffy feathers every day or every second day.. at the moment.. it seems he losing maybe up to 5 little feathers per day and he has become a neurotic preener haha!... well maybe not neurotic..

But previously.. he used to have a big preen in the morning when I was still asleep/trying to wake up and would only fix his feathers up as the day goes by.. eg.. say if I kissed his back and missed up his feathers..:whistle:

Now the feathers have increase.. the preening does.. but not by the same ratio!.. He's not plucking or anything *touch wood* but I've been home now for about 3 hours and 80% of the time he's been preening himself.. I dont think he's got mites or anything as he doesn't travel outside.. Ive never seen him preen so much in my life.. Ive read that sometimes birds can become neurotic with preening and become obsessive compulsive with preening.

We havent had any colored feathers fall out yet that I can see, just the little white ones.. and little green ones.

On the top of his head I can see lots of bright green ones come through... though he hasn't gotten any more peach feathers yet. The blue on his back now has become more prominent.

Is he just going through an itchy molt.. or is he becoming obsessed:confused:

Do your lovies seem to be obsessive preeners when they're molting?

10-07-2008, 04:52 AM
New feathers coming in are itchy and can be uncomfortable so birds that are in an active molt preen more. While they lose feathers constantly, they lose a lot more when they are molting. You may find that extra baths are helpful.

10-07-2008, 05:23 AM
I give him a good mist in the mornings, maybe I should up it to two a day.
Thank godness he's not neurotic!

What are the stages of molt?
How do I know when we've hit the peak?

Ive been noticing there has been like dander.. (or bird dandruff coming off him?)
It's dander isnt it?

10-07-2008, 05:34 AM
It's dander isnt it?
Each new feather emerges from the skin with a protective coating called keritan. It's a material similar to fingernails and it needs to be removed so the feather can open and fluff up. That's the flaky white stuff you are seeing everywhere right now.

10-07-2008, 05:42 AM
ouch :| kind of glad I have hair now..

Thank you Linda :)