View Full Version : Heads are not perches...

10-07-2008, 12:35 PM
Beezle seems to think that peoples heads are a good landing platform. I tried holding my hand up before he landed on my head but he bypassed it and went straight for the head... is there anyway I can correct him from doing this?

He also does it to everyone, to the dismay of my boyfriend.. :rofl:

10-07-2008, 12:53 PM
Been trying for 4-5 yrs to get my lovies to stop, but can't. They usually fly to the highest "perch" in the vicinity in which they are flying to. I just take them off once they land. I've been known to have about 5-6 lovies on my head at once :rolleyes:

10-07-2008, 01:09 PM
Jack has found the top of my head few days ago, but i am happy for him to sit there, all he does is run round preening my hair, its like having a free indian head massage, lol.

10-07-2008, 02:45 PM
Heads are so perches! Sammy told me so when he was up there.

10-07-2008, 03:16 PM
On top of my head sure beats on top of the curtains....... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

10-07-2008, 04:10 PM
All my birds love perching on my head. And hey, that poop is a good conditioner. I mean, isn't the latest rage, high-end, uber expensive beauty product made of bird poop? :bag:

10-07-2008, 04:48 PM
Mine hang off my fringe, i love it most when ones on my head and all of a sudden a birdie head peers over to get my eyelashes! Its so funny! Theyre always on my head!

10-07-2008, 04:55 PM
Wait until they decide you're head is a good place to eat an avicake! :omg:

10-07-2008, 05:37 PM
Avi cakes got nothing on sprigs of millet they fly over and eat on thier human perch lol all mine land on my head then depending on my mood i let them step up or push them to my shoulder all of them except boo she stays on my head no way is she getting near my neck tyvm!!!
What? i know i am not the only one who asks thier significant other to "check my hair for gifts" before they leave the house it's a dialy thing in my house lol

Buy A Paper Doll
10-07-2008, 05:52 PM
I just had this conversation yesterday with Milo and Lily. Milo was on top of my head. Lily, having a fresh wing clip, cannot fly to the top of my head, but very much wanted to be there because that's where Milo was. Her solution is to flap her wings as hard as she can, chirp loudly, and scale the front of my face with those sharp little toenails.

And so I explained that heads are not perches and that nobirdy belongs up there.

A vote was taken. I lost.

Heads are perches, at least in this house.

10-07-2008, 06:44 PM
If a lovie says a head is a perch then it's a perch:whistle:. Personally, I love when my lovies perch on my person head, shoulders, back....well I'm not so keen on the climbing the face thing though I've had it happen more times than I care to remember:omg:.

If people are uncomfortable with Beezle that is their problem:whistle:. Try to convince them, which is true, that Beezle is landing on them cause he likes them and is interested in them. If they are patient and work with him, he will move his way to their shoulder. You can also have other people work with Beezle in stepping up if he's tame enough. So they can just move him from their head to their shoulders.

10-07-2008, 07:37 PM
All my birds love perching on my head. And hey, that poop is a good conditioner. I mean, isn't the latest rage, high-end, uber expensive beauty product made of bird poop? :bag:

I read some article that the beckhams use some cream with nightingale bird poop!!

10-07-2008, 08:54 PM
I asked Goof what he thinks about all this.... He says he wishes I'd sit still for a change and try to grow more hair, that way he'd be a little more comfortable and wouldn't have to put up with me scratching my head so much.

You know, this kind of bothers me because nobody else seems to scratch their head and most of them have less hair than me!...Say......>:.....I think he's up to something!............:roll:

10-07-2008, 09:00 PM
Apparently it is true! Heads are perches. I have started wearing a tea towel on my head which discourages the head perching a little. Both the birds still like to go there on occaison. If I don't use the tea towel, then Ducky thinks my head is his mate and starts doing a "happy dance" up there! I usually relocate the birds to my shoulders off of my head. They are stubborn little guys aren't they!

10-08-2008, 02:16 PM
My mom's Hina has always found heads to be "safe landing zones" and especially loves my dad's head.

Sunnybird will occasionally make the climb up to the top of a head, but i do noctice that she never spends very long up there (when i let her) and after a few minutes will climb down herself.

I hear ya on the face thing... until Maka and Sunnybird, none of lovies used my face as a ladder, but those two: no respect for faces. Lips and noses simple provide better leverage to go UP. (ouchies!)