View Full Version : Joey's 3rd day

10-07-2008, 09:28 PM
I've been reading bout taking your lovie to the bathroom for some one on one time. I had to lure Joey out of the cage w/ millet cuz he didn't want to come out. But once in the bathroom, he didn't care too much for the millet. He let me pet him, stroke him, and he sat on my shoulder forever. I'm starting to think I'm really the pet and not the other way around.

After that I took him back out onto my bed and we just hung out...more like he hung out on me. Then he decided it was time to go back to his cage and he made his way there. And now he's beak grinding like crazy and just crawled into his Happy Hut.

Right now I'm just trying to get him used to me, to my hands, and fingers. He's not scared of my fingers when I come at him (unless he's in his cage and then that's a different story), he looks wary, but he doesn't run. I just can't believe how much he let me pet him. I feel like I'm making some progress w/ my new bird and everything in this forum is wonderful. I just wish I could be home all day to be w/ him, but momma's gotta work and being a single mom is hard :nyah: Being w/ him tonight was definitely worth missing the presidential debate

10-07-2008, 09:49 PM
"I'm starting to think I'm really the pet and not the other way around" ah young grasshopper you have learned your first and most important lesson!
It realy is amazing how fast in a few days your bond has grown he sounds like a very happy fid and you a very lucky fid slave!

10-07-2008, 09:56 PM
I am definitely grateful that he came from a breeder that spoiled and socialized him.

10-08-2008, 05:15 AM
oh you are very lucky that he seems to love you!
and yes. they are the masters and we are the slaves!!

10-08-2008, 10:20 AM
Congratulations on your progress with Joey. He sounds like a great bird. Enjoy getting to know him! :)