10-08-2008, 11:07 PM
I have had taylor for about 3- 4 months now. When I first got her she was terrifyed of me, and then she got worse. I was almost at the point of giving up on her. But a couple of weeks ago I asked for help from some of the flock members. They gave me some wonderful advice and now Taylor is in my view, the best lovie I could possibly ask for. At first, I had to stick train her, because she was very scared of my fingers. But after the stick training it got a lot easier. She would let me get near her, and she would sit on my lap. And now finally for the past couple of days she sits on my shoulder, and actually enjoys it(from what I can see), Actually she is sitting on my shoulder now, watching me write this. I am sooooo happy about this :) :) :)!!! And now I would just like to thank everyone who helped me accomplish this, what seemed to be impossible task. Thank- You fellow flock members from me and Taylor! :)