View Full Version : ~i need help..starting to feel like a failure~

10-14-2008, 02:41 PM
Hi ppl n birdies =)...im going to fill you in on whats happening starting from day 1......ok i purchased my 2 lb's 2 weeks ago... they lady i had purchased the birds from told me they were babies/young she told me they were 11 months old...i didnt know but now i know thats OLD!! not old but not a baby...ok fine...so i buy them this big beautiful cage and i just realized they can stick there whole heads threw the bars.....next issue they are sooo terrified of me!!! BUT the one with the bigger eyes isnt horrified he/she is scared but you can see in his/her eyes she curious...she flutters around to a point and may stand next 2 my hand after 20 minutes of trying to fly away...you see but then what happens is the other bird comes up to he/she and starts pecking it to move away from me and call me crazy but it sounds like he/she is screaming at the bird who is curous like what the **** are you doing run for your life...the bird does a screaming sound..so the bird panics and starts going crazy again...I need help...i feel i have a chance with one of them hopefully both what do i do??? if anyone can give me step by step advice on how to train them i would so appreciate it..... i feel like theres no hope...i dont want to have to keep them in there cages for the rest of there life its no fair to me and especially to them!!!!

10-14-2008, 03:11 PM
Its only the first day, they need to get used to their surroundings so dont be too upset, we just got a rescued cat for my nan and the cat spent 2 days under the sofa before she was brave enough to explore! There is hope, theyll slowly get used to you in time, im sure a lot of people will tell you this. Be careful with the cage though if they can stick their heads through the bars. :)

10-14-2008, 03:30 PM
B r e a t h e ! ! ! !

You've only had them for 2 weeks. The word is patience. You need them to trust you in order to tame them and that's going to take time. Try sitting by their cage and just talking softly to them. Leave your hands in your lap (many birds are afraid of hands) so that you are non-threatening. Once they see no sudden movements on your part, natural instinct is curiousity. Lovebirds love to explore and you are new territory. I can't tell you exactly how long this is going to take. It might be a couple of days or it could be a couple of months. It's not that you are a failure. It's that each bird is different and you have to go a their pace. If you read through our Behavior and Taming forum, you can read messages by other community members who have gone through exactly the same thing.

Once they begin to check you out, have a small spray of millet that you can offer them through the bar. Millet is like candy to birds and most adore it! Once you clip their flight feathers, you will be able to leave their cage door open so that they can come out on their own. At that point, you need to teach them to step up onto a perch so that you will be able to get them back into the cage.

The most important thing right now is to be patient. Eleven months is definitely not OLD. While it's not a baby, it's certainly workable as far as taming.

10-14-2008, 03:41 PM
ok i guess i am expecting to much in 2 weeks....should i seperate them??? i feel as if one of them tells the other one to get away and the other one then follws in his/her lil footsteps..any tips?

Buy A Paper Doll
10-14-2008, 05:51 PM
Best tip I can give you with regard to taming is patience. Lots and lots of it.

I don't think that having a younger pair would make any difference, honestly. I had one lovebird that was barely 8 weeks old when I brought her home; it took her weeks to just come out of the cage on her own! She turned out to be very friendly, but it took a lot of (here's that word again) patience.

Birds are much different than other pets. Trust is not something that can be forced; you have to work at it. But it is sooooo worth it.

10-14-2008, 11:09 PM
Talking about patience..

I got my baby when he was 2/3 months old.. it has taken me 3 months for him to accept me giving him a kiss on his back... but i still can not touch him with my hands.. he will only step up on my wrist and hates my hand like everyone (most) hates satan.

I was the same as you when I first got my lovie, I was so eager and excited and wanted him to love me straight away.. but it doesnt and didnt happen like that.. I felt quite sad and slightly post natal depressed but with having a bird not a baby.. lol.. because we didnt bond straight away, so if you feel like that in a couple of days and weeks its natural..

You can try to tame them, but just remember it may never be as fantastic as you imagined in your mind. and you should celebrate every little step that you walk along in "Trust Street"

They are at a new house and the only thing they know is each other so they will probably stick together alot..

Pips mom
10-15-2008, 07:40 AM
I find that lovies are very strong willed! They want what they want and don't want what they don't! For that reason I think taming them isn't always so easy and may take more time. Also one way lovies learn is very effective at showing their feelings on something is a good bite! so don't be upset if you get a few good nips along the way! I know my lovie loves me, but he won't hesitate to bite me good when the occasion calls for it! It's a learning process......you will come to know these lovies and they will know you as well....in fact I think that is one thing that so amazes me about Pip....he really knows me and what to expect from me, and I feel like I can read his mind on what he's thinking......I know what every chirp and sound means! we have a true understanding of each other, more so than my other birds. I think lovies like it that way......they want you to know....this is how it is! no questions or mystery about it! It's all just about getting to know each other. Look at you.....all upset and worried about this....well how do you think those lovies feel?? They're probably freaking out about it, same as you! They'll get over it, and so will you! Just try to keep remembering that in time you'll have a good happy relationship. Lovies a smart little things, and they know when you care for them and give them good toys and food and most of all, love. Also.....when these guys start getting comfortable, they will get curious, and when that happens, they usually have no self control whatsoever! I know with Pip, when he sees something he wants, all else goes right out the window! so just give it time! They will come around! You're getting the interest of one of them already! Just sit back, relax, and let nature take it's course! Birds can tell when you're nervous or anxious around them! Good luck!

10-15-2008, 10:16 AM
Thank you everyone for all your answers....last night i decided to seperate them...i have them in two seperate cages in the same room they can see and hear eachother...so i can work one on one like i said before "rico" has some type of interest and "lola" shes very anti-human right now:rofl: