View Full Version : How do i figure out if its a he or a she?

10-15-2008, 10:57 AM
hello i just got 2 lovies and i wanted to know how to i determine there sex? someone had told me i have to get them tested...anyway can i figure it out on my own?...there both from the same batch of eggs one is bigger than the other in body size and is kinda the leader ...and than the other one has bigger eyes the one with bigger eyes is somewhat more gentle and less vocal

10-15-2008, 11:40 AM
By just looking at them will give you 50/50 chance of getting it right or wrong, lovebirds do not show sexual diamorphsim, unless they are of a particular type, but looking at ur pic I am guessing these are the pair you are talking about. There are few clues to help but are not 100% accurate: females are bigger, sit lower on perches, few wider apart, tend to bite more esp during breeding season, but to be 100% sure you have to DNA sex them. Its not that expensive, well not here in the UK anyway.

10-15-2008, 09:35 PM
if you look at both of them standing on perches.. if one has their legs wider apart thats the girl.. and the other one is a boy :)

if one has a brighter peach in their face than the other, thats the boy.

otherwise you can DNA sex them as triock has said.

10-15-2008, 09:40 PM
Only way and i mean only is to dna test or wait for an egg

10-15-2008, 09:55 PM
or wait for an egg

And that can be a loooong wait. Buddy laid her one and only egg when she was 8. Years, not months!

10-16-2008, 06:33 PM
DNA sexing is quite accurate. I recommend Avian Biotech: www.AvianBiotech.com.

Your avian vet should be able to do it for your as well, although the fees vary between practices.