View Full Version : How common is it for three babies to bond?

10-15-2008, 02:14 PM
Hi guys,

Sorry ive been so quiet on the forums.. theres just too many people posting these days to keep up!! :)

Our lovebird family consists of Biggles and Binkey (now 6), Speckles and Freckles from the first batch (now 4) and Gammie from the second batch (now 3). The three babies appears to have formed a threesome of bonding.

What i want to know is this normal?
They sleep togeather and are always feeding each other.. All of them will regurgitate and pass food to the other two, even share and pass from one to the other.

You see the problem is that were getting constant squabbling between 2 of the babies and Daddy / occasionally mummy. Daddy fighting looks more like just beak fencing.. Mummy fighting is more serious. Were worried one day it may get a bit too far.

We have known for ages we should seperate them (remeber one lost a toenail about a year ago) but dont have the space + were starting our own family now (due in March) so its not likley every to happen. We have even been thinking about rehoming the babies, but always feel upset the thought of either splitting the babies up or even rehoming them.
Anyone have any thoughts?

Steve and Carey

10-17-2008, 12:28 AM
How big is your cage? If it is very large, you can easily house six birds together. You will have problems if you house any less than six, as they will form bonds and pick on the others. The magic numbers for housing lovies in one cage is one bird, two birds, or six or more birds. Sounds odd, and it is. But, with six birds everyone has a partner and the balance prevents any coupld from being picked on.

Anyway, to answer your question, yes three birds will get along, but not usually for the long run unless they are in an aviary situation. I have nine birds in total, and three of them make a happy threesome, although Nereus is the one getting the best of both worlds.

You will inevitably need to separate these birds or begin to consider an aviary. My cage is about 5 feet high x 3 feet wide x 1.5 feet deep, and that is a great size for the nine of them. I hang the cage from the ceiling for ease of cleaning and to help with the space issue.

Good luck.

10-17-2008, 05:15 AM
I won't say that this is common but I also won't say it can't happen, either. Birds form their own friendships and I don't interfere with that process. If the babies are happy together and everyone is getting along, you know the old saying. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

10-19-2008, 02:43 AM
The cage would handle 6, its 3.5 feet long by 3 feet tall by 1.5 feet deep.
Babies is the wrong word! there all adults now heh :)

I think we may look at getting another Fischer. Whats the best way to introducer him/her? 30 days isolation first, we have a small cage we can put in the same room. After that, fly togeather etc? Biggles is very very territorial.