View Full Version : strange behavior or not so strange?

10-15-2008, 08:36 PM
ok, Joey will hop in and out of his cage and all around, like he's hyper or had caffeine. It's just that he'll constantly rub his head on his hut, on his perches, and on the cage bars, back and forth like a mad man. Is he just itchy? Or doing this for show? Right now he's just so darn hyper.

I think he's also going through a chewing/nibbling stage. He chewed right through my tee shirt tonight and even went for my ear. He even goes for my hair. What toys can I give him to play with that will satisfy this need to chew? I think one of the pony beads on one of his toys is about to break too.

10-15-2008, 08:45 PM
Ok calm down lol
Most lovebirds have two settings hyperdrive and sleeping thats the sign of a happy excited bird now if you have just one bird it plays and preens itself so the cage rubbing etc could feel good like preening himself.
All lovebird nibble its how they explore as they dont have hands:D
when he preens your hair and nibbles your ear it is a sign of effection and if he gets carried away and bites to hard you give a loud "no bite!" and he will learn everybirdy needs time to explore.
Good things to chew are natural leather not dyed or processed,natural hardwoods like apple or guava, all lovies love paper so plain printer paper is good, but everybirdy is different so watch him and learn what he likes he will be sure to tell you lol and make sure all stuff made or bought is lovie safe.

10-15-2008, 09:28 PM
A lovebirds life mission is to chew things until they are nothing.. well thats at least elmos.. anything you give him he will try to destroy. Cork is a fantastic thing.. if you dont mind the mess. haha

Lovebirds are hyper.. haha.. Elmo will chase a bead around a table around and around for hours on end... running after it.. playing is completely normal. now if the lovie is just sitting there doing nothing for the whole day.. then you may have a problem. so hyperactivity is good :)

Rubbing his head, he may be itchy? how old is he? because i realised for the past month or so elmo has been doing that, but now I see some peach pins coming through on the top of his head.. so he may be in molt?

10-16-2008, 12:33 AM
OH man Kiwi CHEWS like NO other!!!! my old lovie never chewed like kiwi does it takes on hold to my shirt and s/he already got a hole in it after a second!

as for bookworm, it seams you got a little guy still, why dont you try a few totally different types of toys in there and see what joey likes, or uses/break first!

10-16-2008, 08:42 AM
yeah, joey's only about 3 months old or so. he's still got a bit of the band on his beak. it's entertaining to watch him when he's running all over the place. I just wasn't sure if that was normal bird behavior or the birdie bread he had before that...hahaha. Too bad I don't have a camera that I can leave on so I can see what he's up to during the day when I'm gone at work.

I'm gonna order him some different toys that he can chew on so my shirt (and my ears) isn't his only option.

10-16-2008, 08:58 AM
Toys are fantastic...
elmo is OBSESSED with anything that rolls.. but all lovies have their different personalities.. and you will probably go through lots and lots of toys til you find ones they are obsessed with.. I know I did..

10-16-2008, 03:31 PM
Does he run around in circles and flap his wings like crazy? We love it when our birds do that! :rofl:

10-16-2008, 06:16 PM
no, he doesn't run around in circles, but he flaps his wings like crazy while standing in one place...once in awhile he'll fall off balance...hahaha.

10-16-2008, 06:40 PM
no, he doesn't run around in circles, but he flaps his wings like crazy while standing in one place...once in awhile he'll fall off balance...hahaha.

hahah thats so awesome and cute!!! mine jumps around everywhere like if kiwi on top of the cage kiwi jump all over or goes on the floor and jumps/hops ever where its so cute/funny :rotfl

10-16-2008, 07:11 PM
Sunnybird is clipped, but she will still make big "leaps of faith" across the room to get to me...say, if i leave her on her cage & i'm sitting across on the couch.... she can't quite close the distance, but i always catch her.

But, after those bigger jumps, she "shivers" her wings & shakes herself, and then runs around like a tweeker...just short little darts back & around. What a weirdo! First lovie of mine to behave like she got into the coffee! LOL

10-16-2008, 07:20 PM
Speaking of funny lovies..

before I could leave elmo with his cage door open and he would play in his play pen and stay there regardless what happened.. now though.. I can no longer do that.. because when I leave he decides to go searching for me through the lounge room.. (i like to call it like that.. but it prob isnt).. when I come home he's run to the loungeroom... its lock up in cage time now..