View Full Version : Gotta....get.....(wiggle wiggle)..UNDER.....that.....!!!!

10-18-2008, 04:10 PM
Okay...so I gotta wonder if Sunnybird was sat on enough when she was a chick because her one of her silliest quirks is her exploration of her environment includes a need to get IN and UNDER whatever she can.... crook of your arm? Gotta get under. Fingers on keyboard? Gotta get under. Sitting with laptop on lap? Gotta get under!!

If I make a puka (that's Hawaiian for "hole") any where...tent the pillows on the couch, make a tunnel in the blankets.... even using my hand to make an "o" and put it down in front of her....she sticks her head in & tries to wiggle in!:rofl: (my husband finds that one hilarious)...

Anyone elses lovie was a mole in a previous life? :confused:

10-18-2008, 05:08 PM
Miracle used to love going in/under things. I credit that with the amount of time she spent under my flannel shirt when she was so sick the first 6 months of her life. Her very favorite thing to do was go under the shirt at the collar and crawl down the sleeve to come out the cuff at the bottom! Then it was out the cuff, climb back up to the collar and repeat the process! :)

10-18-2008, 05:42 PM
My girl is the same, always has to get in my t-shirt or under my arms, she likes to stay sandwiched between the cage bars and her happyhut for ages, anything that means she is enclosed gets her vote! :D

10-18-2008, 06:38 PM
Buddy's favorite napping spot on a cool or cold day is in my armpit :rofl: When it's warmer she settles for inside my shirt, over my heart. She is also fond of drawers, boxes, paper bags, purses, backpacks, blanket and pillow caves, behind the drapes, etc, although I don't know if this makes her part mole or just a super nest-site seeker :) More into in than under. At the moment she is on the floor in the living room, between the drapes and the glass door. She must be enjoying the view since the sun has long since surrendered to the fog. But the last time I checked, she wanted to stay there. She'll whistle when she wants a change of location--and her slave will move her, since she "don't get around much anymore" :whistle: Mole, moth, termite, sunbather, shredder, slave master---so many sides to such a small being :)

10-18-2008, 10:21 PM
Hehe, I bought Joey a soft baby blanket cuz I realized how much he likes to snuggle. We both took a nap this afternoon with him on my neck hidden in between the collar of my robe. When I wear my robe over my tee shirt, he likes to crawl inside the robe and hang out where it's tied at my waist. silly bird. I can see why: it's cozy.

10-19-2008, 01:45 AM
We both took a nap this afternoon with him on my neck hidden in between the collar of my robe.
Sleeping with your bird on your person is very, very dangerous! Many a bird has died because their owner (or whoever they were sleeping with) rolled over on them and suffocated them. This is not a lesson you want to learn first hand.

10-19-2008, 08:46 AM
oh yeah, i know. trust me, i wasn't fully asleep nor was i in a position where I could have moved otherwise joey would have gone right back to his cage. but you're right, sleeping with bird is dangerous.

10-19-2008, 08:54 AM
One of the reasons I'm so adamant about not sleeping with our fids is because our forums have a lot of unregistered readers. Many don't realize just how dangerous this can be unless it's pointed out.

About 6 years ago, I turned on my computer to check my e-mail and I found one from a teenager who just happened to find my website and needed to send someone an e-mail. She explained that she knew it was wrong for her lovebird to be with her while she was sleeping but she was tired when she went to bed and neglected to lock the cage door. When she woke up that morning, her best friend was dead on the bed beside her. :very_sad: I still cry when I think about the incident and I didn't even know this person.

10-20-2008, 05:41 PM
Baby boo loves holes thats how she got her name from her favorite game peek a boo bite bite!